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FUZZ 2013 : IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems


When Jul 7, 2013 - Jul 10, 2013
Where Hyderabad, India
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2013
Notification Due Apr 20, 2013
Final Version Due May 10, 2013
Categories    fuzzy   AI

Call For Papers

The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2013) will be held in the historical city of Hyderabad, India. Hyderabad, the Pearl City of India, is located in the southern part of the Country. It is a vibrant city having many tourist attractions and fine cuisines that blend Mughal, Persian and Telugu cuisines. The city has a very modern International Airport (Rajiv Gandhi International Airport) which is directly connected to many places including Abu Dhabi, Bangkok, Singapore, Doha, Dubai, Jeddah, Kuala Lampur, Kuwait, Muskat, Riyadh, and Sharjah.

It is very well connected to all major cities in India. People from Asia can fly either directly or via Bangkok or Singapore. People from Europe / America can fly to Hyderabad either via Doha, Dubai, London or can fly to Mumbai or Delhi and take a domestic flight to Hyderabad.

The conference will provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to deliberate / exchange ideas on a wide range topics in fuzzy systems and related areas, including but not limited to:

Fuzzy control and robotics, fuzzy hardware/architectures
Fuzzy systems design, modeling, identification
Fuzzy pattern recognition - clustering, classification, feature analysis
Fuzzy data/text/web mining, information/text/image retrieval.
Fuzzy knowledge discovery, learning, reasoning, agents, knowledge representation
Type-2 fuzzy sets, computing with words, granular computing, rough sets, fuzzy human computer interaction
Fuzzy set theory, fuzzy measures, fuzzy integrals
Fuzzy systems in brain science and brain computer interface.
Fuzzy image, speech and signal processing, vision and multimedia
Fuzzy decision support systems, decision analysis, multi- criteria decision making
Applications of fuzzy theories in all areas including bioinformatics, medicine, biomedical signal analysis, software engineering, and industries
Evolvable fuzzy systems, adaptive, hierarchical, evolutionary, neural and nature- inspired systems
Hybrid computational intelligence systems.
Researchers, practitioners, and students are invited to submit full papers (not exceeding 8 pages in IEEE 2-column format) through our submission system at

Important Dates
Tutorial/Panel/Special Session proposals October 10, 2012
Notification of acceptance for Tutorial/Special Session proposal November 10, 2012
Paper Submission due January 5, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance April 10, 2013
Final papers submission May 10, 2013
Tutorials July 7, 2013
Conference July 8-July 10, 2013

Related Resources

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