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Ambi-sys 2013 : 3rd International Conference on Ambient Media and Systems


Conference Series : Ambient Media and Systems
When Mar 14, 2013 - Mar 15, 2013
Submission Deadline Oct 5, 2012
Notification Due Dec 3, 2012
Final Version Due Jul 6, 0019
Categories    ambient media   mobile communications   sensor-actuator technology   virtual environments

Call For Papers

3rd International Conference on Ambient Media and Systems -
Ambi-sys 2013
14th and 15th March 2013
Athens, Greece


- The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organisation devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT
- All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries
- Proceedings will be submitted for indexing by Google Scholar, ISI, EI Compendex, Scopus and many more



Ambient media and systems culminate from the emergence of mobile communications, sensor-actuator technology, virtual environments, and interactive computing. They represent the vision of an all-encompassing multimedia networking environment with human interaction at its core. Advances in computer and communication technologies have the potential to offer people an unprecedented level of convenience and flexibility for living and working. Such technologies need to be closely integrated with human interactions and activity, allowing greater support for smart solutions that improve quality of life, productivity, understanding and intelligence within their situated environment. Ambi-sys focuses on emerging technologies, services and solutions for new, human-centric intelligent ambient environments.
The conference will explore such techniques, and aims to serve as a premier international forum for discussions, bringing together academic and industrial researchers, practitioners, and students interested in future techniques relating to the emergence of mobile communications, sensor-actuator technology, virtual environments, and interactive computing, networking, technologies, systems, and applications.


The conference will consist of the following major areas or tracks:

- Communications and Networking, which will be covering Wireless communications, Heterogeneous and Body Area networks, Ambient sensors, actuators and networking, Quality of service and system performance, Digital home and smart living, Evolvable and adaptive pervasive systems, Scalability, integration, and ubiquity.
- Intelligence and Automation, which focuses on such topics as Ambient Intelligence, Services, delivery, applications and smart solutions, Multi-media knowledge management, acquisition and data fusion, Detection and knowledge elicitation, Prediction and self-learning, Middleware, Human-computer interaction in technology-rich environments, Intelligence and Automation, Automatic Behavioral Analysis.
- Human Interface and Interaction, which covers topics including Haptic immersive environments, Vision and recognition, Visualization and display, Sensor perception technologies, Context awareness, System personalization, System and human collaboration, multimodal interaction, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Augmented Reality.
- Media and Content Provision, which is defined to cover Integration of Multimedia within ambient systems, Multi-media processing, distribution and integration, Provision and acquisition of ambient information, Privacy, trust, accountability and dependability, Cognition, intelligence, ambience, adaptivity, self-organization and evolution, Multimedia and intelligent agents.
- Applications of Ambient Systems, including ambient assisted living, ambient media systems, domotics, intelligent spaces, mobile computing, Food & Retail, Pharma & Healthcare, Transport, Environmental Monitoring.


Accepted papers will be published in Springer's LNICST series and will appear in the SpringerLink, one of the largest digital libraries online that covers a variety of scientific disciplines, as well as in the ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL). LNICST volumes are submitted for inclusion to leading indexing services, including DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, ISI Proceedings, EI Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus.
Authors of the best papers will be recommended to submit an extended version to the ICST Transactions or EAI magazines. (Or other journals as being planned)

[Paper submission]

All the papers formatted according with the instructions have to be submitted through Confy, EAI conference online submission system at:
For further information on Initial Submission, go to

[Important dates]

Paper Submission Deadline: 5 October 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 3 December 2012
Camera Ready deadline: 14 January 2013
Conference Date: 14-15 March 2012

[Conference organising committees]

General Chair:
Constantinos T. Angelis, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece

TPC Chair:
Prof Kanav Kahol, Arizona State University, USA

Publication Chair:
Maria Pia Fanti, Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Publicity Chair:
Walter Ukovich, University of Trieste, Italy

Industry Track Chair:
Spyridon Louvros, Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Greece

Special Sessions Chair:
Tiziana Catarci, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Local Chair:
Chrysostomos D. Stylios, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece

Web Chair:
Fotios Vartziotis, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece

Conference Coordinator:
Justina Senkus, European Alliance for Innovation, Italy

The European Alliance for Innovation is a dynamic eco-system for fostering ICT enabled innovation to improve European competitiveness and to benefit society. EAI uses open e-platforms to inspire grassroots collaboration among all
relevant actors, from organizations to individuals, to stimulate community driven innovation to its institutional and individual members worldwide. Through EAI, organizations find ideas and talent, and individual innovators
find organizations for their ingenuity and craft. Join the innovation community at

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