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Morocco - ATSDH 2012 : Exchanging Ideas Exploring the Challenges for Human Development


When Aug 27, 2012 - Aug 31, 2012
Where Bouznika - Morocco
Submission Deadline Jul 4, 2012
Notification Due Jul 10, 2012
Final Version Due Jul 13, 2012
Categories    social work   human development   sociology

Call For Papers

Join us for the Fourth Summer Annual Conferencee WWW.ATSDH.NET

"From Altruism to Partnership :

Exchanging Ideas Exploring the Challenges for Human Development?"


From August 27th to 31st, 2012

The 4th International Summer Institute (27th-31 August,2012) will focus on partnership, through the intersection of knowledge to debate its challenges for human development.
In the field of social action, health and humanitarian aid, the challenge of altruism is to take into consideration its close connection with profit sharing, the transmission of knowledge, reciprocity of services and competence exchange. Altruism takes its legal form from the partnership contract and it allows an active association of various stakeholders, who, maintaining their own independence, agree to share their efforts to achieve a common goal related to a problem or a clearly identified need in which, by virtue of their respective missions, they have an interest, a responsibility, a motivation, and even an obligation to work and build this collective action detailed in the present time.
Although our organizations encourage a broad spectrum of topics at our conferences, we especially encourage papers, posters, panel sessions, roundtables, and workshops that speak directly to the following topics. We welcome submissions on all aspects related to the following:
This summer institute will focus on three axes:
Expected papers should take part in one of the three proposed axes which will form the program of the 4th International Summer Institute.

The Topic of the conference :

Bridging the gap between Altruism, Partnership,
Crossroads of Knowledge and human development.

The Areas : Social work, social welfare, psychology, human development, Anthropology, sociology, education policy, philosophy, laws.

First Axis:
Working together, partnership is a mode of intervention among others
* Partnership and collective action
* The working process in partnership
* Partnership between the health and the medico-social fields
* Partnership and Territory
Second Axis:
From the interest to be a partner and beyond the pragmatist approach
Two approaches co-exist and sometimes clash:
One utilitarian would hold that a partnership must guarantee the co-existence of different interests of knowledge broadly and specifically defined.

The other voluntarist who uses the ability of individuals to transcend their affiliations and interests to gather around a common object with the risk of “erasing” gradually what makes the richness of anybody.
Third Axis
The ethical challenge of partnership
The ethical challenge of partnership brings into focus the necessary confidence in which there must be a room to support human development. Partnership cannot be decreed; however, it is built slowly by means of working together with partners outside the institutions, incited by logics and motivations different from ours (the presence of constrains and pains). This is a test of hospitality measuring the ability to accept differences resulted from modalities of joint action.
Two types of papers can be presented to the Scientific Committee:
• Conference sessions are for scientific papers lasting 30 minutes, a standard-size paper, Times New Roman font, size 14, Editorial Style APA (American Psychological Association: with summary in English and another in French each should be between 150 and 200 words. The maximum number of characters for the entire text should not exceed 10,000 characters (References and footnotes pages are included).

• The posters are of a shorter format and more open to developing scientific contributions (research topic, preliminary results, arguments, etc..) Case studies, presentations of experiences, personal reflections or positions, institutional presentations. Posters are therefore open to a wider audience: PhD students, Master or Bachelor students, practitioners, activists, etc.. and must be presented in a format not exceeding 100 cm by 200 cm.
Participants wishing to present a paper must first provide a summary of their paper of two pages containing the problematic, keywords, methodology or approach, the main results and a bibliography (Approximate 500 words)
Participants wishing to present a poster (research topic, preliminary results, starting arguments, case studies, presentations of experiences, personal reflections, institutional presentations) must provide a one-page summary

These abstracts that will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee members should be sent to the following address :
Nabil Hajji
Hicham Khabbache

Deadline for Abstract Submission: July 1st, 2012
Notice of decision of the scientific assessment will be given maximum one week after reception of the manuscript

Selected papers will be published in the acts of Summer Institute, in the form of a digital CD, and in the form of a hand book as a collective work, the publisher of which is the International Institute of Sociology, Anthropology and Human Development.

- The proposal should contribute to broadening knowledge on one of the themes of the Summer Institute 2012 in connection with notions of Altruism, Partnership, crossroads of knowledge, Human develoment…
- The proposal should tackle a subject that will interest a large number of participants
- The research question or problem should be clearly identified and supported by an updated knowledge in the field
- The method should be rigorous and appropriate to the research. The various elements that compose it (sample, instruments of data collection, analysis, etc...)
- The results should be presented and related to one of the Summer Institute’s themes.
- The discussion should be sufficiently extensive and consistent with the logic of the problematic; it should be then based on solid arguments.
- The proposal should present clear positive outcomes relevant at least for one of the fields dealt with in the Summer I nstitute .
- The proposal should be supported by recent and relevant references.

Other modalities of intervention are possible.
To link theory with practice in a dynamic and interactive way, other forms of contributions are possible during this summer institute:
Keynote Lectures: where the speaker is invited to explain concepts s/he has developed themselves during practice or research in the social sphere of course proportionate to the thematic of the summer institute, either in their theoretical or practical aspects.
Presentation of a book: the author will present his book which is close in its thematic to that of the summer institute.
Workshops: where techniques and skills are introduced to facilitate animating a group, resolving conflicts, managing relationships…along with tips and computing programs that can be useful in terms of human and social development.
Video session: the possibility of submitting a DVD of 15 minutes illustrating some experiences lived by individuals in relation to the thematic of the institute.
Symposium: individuals are invited to talk about their institutions (brainstorming) and discuss modalities of partnership envisaged in such institutions and the extent of their profitability. The aim is exchanging ideas, reflections and experiences, speaking without constraints on personal experiences related to the thematic of the institute.
Art Exhibition: assistants and social actors are invited to present the products of their associations that are made by vulnerable populations in which they intervene.
Individuals wishing to participate in the Summer Institute via one of these modalities of communication are invited to send copies of their materials plus a descriptive to the address of Nabil Hajji OR Khabbache Hicham OR Gilles ALLIERES

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