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AJSEA/MDASDP 2015 : Model-Based Architecting and Model Driven Approaches in System Development Process


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Where N/A
Submission Deadline Aug 30, 2015
Categories    model driven engineering   software engineering

Call For Papers

Dear Author/Researcher,
Science Publishing Group, SciencePG
Invites you to submit your research paper for publishing in Special Issue for
American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
(ISSN: 2327-2473 (Print), ISSN: 2327-249X (Online).
American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications has been included by the following abstracting and indexing databases: WorldCat, CrossRef, AcademicKeys, ResearchBib, Directory of Research Journal Indexing, JournalSeek, Scholarly Bibliography, Electronic Journals Library, ZDB-network, WZB Berlin Social Research Center.
Special Issue Title
Model-Based Architecting and Model Driven Approaches in System Development Process

For many years, various approaches in system design and implementation differentiate between the specification of the system and its implementation on a particular platform. People in software industry have been using models for a precise description of systems at the appropriate abstraction level without unnecessary details. Model-Based Architecting and Model-Driven (MD) approaches in system development process increase the importance and power of models by shifting the focus from programming to modeling activities. Models may be used as primary artifacts in constructing software, which means that software components are generated from models. Software development tools need to automate as many as possible tasks of model construction and transformation requiring the smallest amount of human interaction and why not the total automation of development processes in software engineering.

A goal of this special issue is to bring together people working on MD languages, techniques and tools, as well as Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and applying them in the requirements engineering, information system and application development, databases, and related areas, so that they can exchange their experience, create new ideas, evaluate and improve MD approaches and spread its use. The intention is to target an interdisciplinary nature of MD approaches in software engineering, as well as research topics expressed by but not limited to:

1. MD Approaches in System Design and Implementation – Problems and Issues
2. MD Approaches in Software Quality and Standards
3. Metamodeling, Modeling and Specification Languages
4. Model Transformation Languages
5. Model-to-Model, Model-to-Text, and Model-to-Code Transformations in Software Process
6. Transformation Techniques and Tools
7. Automation of generation process in MD Approaches
8. Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) in System Specification and Development
9. Design of Metamodeling and Modeling Languages and Tools
10. MD Approaches in Requirements Engineering and Business Process Modeling
11. MD Approaches in System Reengineering and Reverse Engineering
12. MD Approaches in Document Engineering
13. Model Based Software Verification
14. Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of MD Approaches
15. Organizational and Human Factors, Skills, and Qualifications for MD Approaches
16. Distribution techniques which exploit new models and protocols of distributed computing systems
17. Distributed adaptive and self-adaptive softwares
18. Component-based design for building collaborative distributed systems
19. Specification of distributed architecture for Model Driven Development process
20. Specification of distributed architecture using programming paradigms (object, component and aspect-oriented programming ...)
21. Tools support for assisting modeling, deployment and configuration of distributed software architectures
22. Case studies, empirical results, experience reports, suit-tools

Paper Submission Aug. 30, 2015.
Review Results (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification: Within a few weeks after submitting paper.
Published Online in 2015.
Publication Charges are defined by Article Processing Charge (APC) between 270 USD and 90 USD
The authors of the best papers of the special issue will be invited to submit an extended and enhanced version of their paper for possible journal publication or project presentation after additional peer review.
Submission Procedure:
Manuscripts are invited in MS Word format and to be submitted via Online Submission System
The final revised paper needs to be sent to Lead Guest Editor Rachid DEHBI,
For any Query, Please feel free to contact at:

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