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EANN 2017 : 18th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks 2017


When Aug 25, 2017 - Aug 27, 2017
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2017
Notification Due May 13, 2017
Final Version Due May 23, 2017
Categories    artificial intelligence   artificial neural networks   robotics   deep learning

Call For Papers

Authors are invited to submit electronically original, English-language research contributions or experience reports not concurrently submitted elsewhere in ALL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOPICS!! Papers should be no longer than 10 pages formatted according to the LNCS Springer style. The program committee may reject papers that exceed this length on the grounds of length alone. In the spirit of the previous EANN conferences, the paper should concentrate on the application rather than just the algorithm or the theory.

Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the proceedings, which will be published by SPRINGER CCIS “Communications in Computer and Information Science” and they will be available on site. It is important though to follow the instructions in this page to ensure that your paper will be included in the proceedings.

Proposals for Workshops that examine emerging, innovative, or otherwise provocative issues within the conference area are encouraged as well. Workshop proposals should include a 1-2 page summary of the topic and the names and affiliations of 3-4 panelists who have made a commitment to participate.

WORKSHOPS PROPOSALS are very welcome. Workshops Proposals deadline February 11th 2017

Related Resources

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