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CIDM 2015 : IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining


Conference Series : Computational Intelligence and Data Mining
When Dec 7, 2015 - Dec 12, 2015
Where Cape Town, South Africa
Submission Deadline Jul 20, 2015
Notification Due Sep 4, 2015
Final Version Due Oct 4, 2015
Categories    data mining   computational intelligence   machine learning

Call For Papers

************* SUBMISSION open until JULY 20, 2015 14:00 South African Time

The 6th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (IEEE CIDM 2015) will bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to discuss the latest advances in the field of computational intelligence applied to data mining. This symposium will provide a forum for the presentation of recent results in theories, algorithms, systems and applications of data mining based on computational intelligence techniques.

IEEE CIDM 2015 is one of 30 symposia of IEEE SSCI 2015. Iit is organized by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Data Mining Technical Committee. For registration, accommodation, visa and travelling issues, please refer to the relevant information of IEEE SSCI 2015 website.


Topics related to all aspects of data mining, such as theories, algorithms, systems and applications, particularly those based on computational intelligence technologies, are welcome; these include, but are not limited to:

Neural networks for data mining
Evolutionary algorithms for data mining
Fuzzy sets for data mining
Data mining with soft computing
Foundations of data mining
Mining with big data
Feature learning and feature engineering
Machine learning algorithms
Multimedia data mining
Text mining
Link and graph mining
Social media mining
Collaborative filtering
Crowd sourcing
Security, privacy and social impact of data mining
Data mining applications



Proposals for special sessions at CIDM should be forwarded to the special sessions chair Derong Liu at before 30 April 2015.


Friedhelm Schwenker, Ulm University, Germany
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China
Carlotta Domeniconi, George Mason University, USA


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