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WSCS 2012 : 2nd Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security


When May 24, 2012 - May 24, 2012
Where San Francisco
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2012
Notification Due Mar 31, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2012
Categories    security   semantic computing   privacy

Call For Papers

WSCS12 : 2nd Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security

An event of The IEEE Computer Society's Security and Privacy

May 24, 2012, The Westin Hotel, San Francisco, CA USA

Sponsored by
The IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committees:
* Security and Privacy (TCSP)
* Semantic Computing (TCSEM)

This workshop follows the successful September 2011 workshop at the
International Semantic Computing Symposium. This new workshop will
explore additional topics and allow semantic computing researchers to
have more opportunity to interact with security researchers.

Semantic Computing technologies derive and use semantics from content,
where “content” is wide-ranging: video, audio, text, conversation,
software, devices, actions, behavior, etc. Security technology
encompasses the specification of secure behavior as well as the
detection of insecure behavior over computer networks. The
two disciplines come together in this new and interesting
combination, in a synergy-seeking, cutting-edge workshop. The delimited
notions of semantics used within Security and Privacy provide a
well-defined and as yet unstudied domain for semantic modeling,
automated semantic interpretation, and inference, with clear
practical uses and opportunities for novel and imaginative research.

The workshop on Semantic Computing and Security addresses:
* deriving semantics from data used for security and privacy research;
* semantic verification of network activity; and
* inferring the semantics of malicious free-form data, such as email and
web pages.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Network dataset curation through semantic derivation
* Semantic MediaWiki for vulnerability sharing and detecting emergent
security properties
* Network security semantics, dynamic classification
* Inferred semantics of malicious code
* Semantic verification of network operations
* Semantic specification and analysis of security experiment design
* Semantic analysis of access control policies
* Semantics of data acquisition and computation provenance
* Semantic analysis of malware communication
* Semantics-aware trust management


Authors are invited to submit Regular Papers (maximum 8 pages) or
Short Papers (maximum 4 pages) using EasyChair
( Regular papers
will be evaluated according to normal research conference criteria
with respect to relevance, originality, and quality of the methodology
and writing. Work that is highly novel, controversial, or preliminary
can be submitted as a short paper.Papers accepted by the workshop will
be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Electronic media with
the proceedings will be distributed to attendees.

* Regular & Short Paper Submission deadline: February 28, 2012 (*extended*)
(by 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard time)
* Notification to authors: March 31, 2012
* Camera-Ready copy due: April 15, 2012
* Registration opens: early March, 2012
* Workshop: May 24, 2012

* Alessandro Armando, U. of Genova & Fondazione Bruno Kessler
* Hilarie Orman, Purple Streak

* Alessandro Armando (co-chair), U. of Genova & Fondazione Bruno Kessler
* Terry Benzel, Information Sciences Institute, U. of Southern California
* L. Jean Camp, Indiana University
* Bruno Crispo, U. of Trento
* Eduard Hovy, Information Sciences Institute, U. of Southern California
* Alefiya Hussain, Information Sciences Institute, U. of Southern California
* Lalana Kagal, CSAIL, MIT
* Daniela Oliveira, Bowdoin College
* Hilarie Orman (co-chair), Purple Streak
* Pierangela Samarati, U. of Milano

Hilarie Orman ( & Alessandro Armando

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