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ACCOUNT 2018 : Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing and Networking Infrastructures for Trustworthy Services


When Oct 8, 2018 - Oct 8, 2018
Where Foz do Iguaçu
Submission Deadline Aug 24, 2018
Notification Due Sep 1, 2018
Final Version Due Sep 5, 2018
Categories    cloud computing   networking   trustworthy   slicing

Call For Papers

ACCOUNT 2018: Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing and Networking
Infrastructures for Trustworthy Services
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 8-10, 2018

The proliferation, increasing popularity and maturity of
virtualization, Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing, and Data Centre
technologies come with a tremendous attention from the research
community, the practitioners and the ICT industry. The variety of
existing cloud services creates a new challenge for service providers
that are using separately managed computing, connectivity, and storage
resources in order to easily deploy new services, as well as enforcing
reasonable Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Several requirements arise, such as provision of fast and simple
innovation and integration cycles of applications, networking, and
services features, deployment of energy efficient and inter-operable
federations comprising multiple domains, and development of integrated
management systems. In response to the related requirements and
challenges, the network slicing paradigm arises as a key mechanism to
provide flexibility in the management of network resources. Network
Slicing enables operators to create multiple network resources and
(virtual) network functions isolated and customized over the same
physical infrastructure. Such dedicated networks, built on a shared
infrastructure can reduce the cost of the network deployment, speeds
up the time to market and offer individual networks customizations
according to customer requirements so that operators can introduce new
market services. Nevertheless, the provision of services with high
levels of trustworthiness is still a major issue to guarantee both
business continuity and uninterrupted public services for several
vertical markets.

The ACCOUNT workshop intends to create a space for sharing innovative
approaches and experiences aimed at improving the state-of-the-art in
the design, implementation, deployment, management and maintenance of
network components and architectures. Of particular interest are the
self-management and self-reconfiguring network infrastructures that
can exploit software flexibility and rapidity, for ensuring secure and
trustworthy applications. The workshop objective include exploring
multiple dimensions of trustworthiness, as well as providing metrics
and means to measure it. Finally, contributions targeting the bridge
between infrastructure softwarization and cloud-based applications
solutions are sought.

Our aim is to promote the development of trusted cloud environments by
creating dependable framework, protocols, algorithms, networks and
systems. The proposed LADC ACCOUNT workshop will serve as a forum for
researchers from academia, government and industries to exchange ideas
and present new results and provide future visions on the subject.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Trustworthy data, secured data collection system, models and architectures for cloud/fog/edge systems and services.
- Frameworks and software architectures for the design of trustworthy and secure systems
- Enabling 5G service technologies in the context of cloud/cog/edge computing systems and services (e.g., slicing, service orchestration, etc.)
- Dependable frameworks for mission-critical systems and services
- Software architectures and design for emerging systems
- Adaptation and optimization mechanisms for coping with user demand, application requirements, resource unavailability
- Security, dependability and autonomic issues in Big Data, SDN, and IoT systems
- Softwarization tailored to cloud/fog/edge computing systems and services
- Platforms for analyzing and storing logs and operational data
- Analytics, machine/learning, artificial intelligence in support of computing and networking operations
- QoS/QoE in the context of cloud/fog/edge computing systems and services
- Trustworthiness of cloud/cog/edge computing systems and services
- Dependable and secure services
- Dependability-driven modeling and analysis of cloud/fog/edge infrastructures
- Experimental assessment of dependability and security
- Verification and validation methods for dependability evaluation
- Evaluation platforms for dependable, autonomic and secure cloud/fog/edge computing systems


Papers must be written in English only. Each paper is limited to 6 pages, following the IEEE two-column format for conference proceedings. In addition, we also invite researchers to submit 2-page posters addressing the thematic pillars of the workshop.

Papers & posters submission will be exclusively electronic and authors are requested to first register their submissions and then submit their manuscripts in PDF format through EasyChair ( system.

Important Dates
- 24 August: Abstract
- 24 August: Submission deadline
- 01 September: Acceptance/Reject Notification
- 05 September: Camera Ready

Organizing Committee
- Nuno Antunes, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
- Tania Basso, UNICAMP, Brazil,
- Javier Baliosian, University of the Republic, Uruguay,
- Rita Meneses, Trust-IT, UK,
- David Moura, UNICAMP, Brazil,
- Ivan Mura, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia,
- Augusto Neto, UFRN, Brazil,
- Rafael Pasquini, UFU, Brazil,

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