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META 2010 : META'10, 2nd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics


When Feb 22, 2010 - Feb 25, 2010
Where Cairo - Egypt
Submission Deadline Oct 9, 2009
Notification Due Nov 6, 2009
Final Version Due Jan 8, 2010
Categories    metamaterials   plasmonics   photonic crystals   nano-optics

Call For Papers

META’10 will cover the entire scope of complex electromagnetic materials, including metamaterials, photonic crystals and plasmonics. Special attention will be given to applications of these innovative materials in optical communication systems, antennas, high-speed circuits, optical sensing, nanoscale imaging, cloaking, biology and medicine,...

META'10 program will include :

- Keynote lectures
- Invited talks
- Contributed oral and poster presentations

META'10 topics include, but are not limited to:

- Fundamental and applied aspects of waves in structured, periodic and disordered
complex materials.
- Electromagnetic properties of metamaterials, photonic and plasmonic materials,
subwavelength apertures, frequency selective surfaces, high impedance structures
and novel composites with unusual electromagnetic properties (chiral,
- Near-field optics and nano-optics.
- Technologies and applications of optical and microwave advanced materials.

META'10 will be the foremost place to learn about the most important developments in the field of advanced electromagnetic materials and nano-photonics.

Related Resources

META 2025   META 2025, 15th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics