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CISE 2012 : International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering


When Sep 27, 2012 - Sep 30, 2012
Where Halkidiki, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 27, 2012
Notification Due May 26, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 4, 2012
Categories    software engineering   computational intelligence   artificial intelligence   fuzzy logic

Call For Papers

The CISE workshop focuses on theoretical and applied research related to the utilization of Computational Intelligence techniques in Software Engineering, targeting the provision of alternative, interdisciplinary approaches for tackling problems found in Software Engineering.
The aim of the workshop is to host research papers that present practical solutions to emerging Software Engineering issues by applying Computational Intelligence methods. The workshop is associated with research and development advances in many fields of Software Engineering and particularly the study, analysis, design, modelling, implementation and application of Computational Intelligence techniques that tackle significant Software Engineering problems. The topics of interest call, especially, for papers with theoretical and practical importance, while research papers reporting emerging and innovative ideas are also highly desirable.
Nature-inspired Computational Intelligence methodologies demonstrate adaptive behaviour and learning ability. As such, they can be effectively utilized to address convoluted problems and applications in real-world environments, where traditional methodologies and approaches find highly complex and difficult to tackle. Particularly, techniques associated with learning, reasoning, optimization and decision making, such as Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Immune Systems, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Chaos Theory and Multi-valued Logic, may be applied in real-world conditions and serve the Software Engineering community.
The integration of Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence is very important to both academic and research communities as well as to software industries. In fact, software development teams adopt a variety of conceptual and algorithmic practices that are combined with Computational Intelligence methods within various areas of Software Engineering, such as Project Management, Risk Analysis, Testing, Cost Estimation and Failure Modelling. Computational Intelligence also provides the means for more precise measurement of software metrics and more effective handling of uncertainty or ambiguity of information.
The CISE workshop welcomes research papers with direct impact or high dependence on practical issues encountered in real-world environments. Industrial- and market-oriented research papers are also highly encouraged. To this end, CISE’s Program Committee consists of members not only from academic/research institutions but also from the software industry, and these members will assist in the review process in cases of industrial- and market-related papers.

In particular the topics of the workshop include but are not limited to the following:

Clustering and Classification applied to Requirements Engineering
Decision Support Software Architectures
Machine Learning Software Methodologies
Data Mining Software Design
Text Mining & Retrieval Software Performance
Fuzzy Logic & Systems Software Quality Modelling & Assessment
Probabilistic Reasoning Software Reliability Modelling & Forecasting
Model Learning Software Maintenance
Recommender Systems Software Testing, Verification & Validation
Expert Systems Software Metrics
Artificial Neural Networks Software Reuse
Evolutionary Algorithms Software Project Management
Ranking Algorithms Object-Oriented Development
Cognitive Processes Open Source Software
Evolutionary Computing Agile Software Development
Swarm Intelligence Software Repository Management
Artificial Immune Systems Mobile Software Development
Dempster-Shafer Theory Software Risk Analysis & Modelling
Chaos Theory Configuration Management
Multi-valued Logic Component-Based Software Development
Ensemble Techniques Cloud Computing
Hybrid Approaches Web Engineering
Search-Based Software Engineering

Workshop Chairs:
Andreas S. Andreou
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics,
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Efi Papatheocharous
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Academic Program Committee:
Wasif Afzal (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Lefteris Angelis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Stamatia Bibi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Luca Berardinelli (University of L’Aquila, Italy)
Efstratios Georgopoulos (Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata, Greece)
Mark Harman (University College London, United Kingdom)
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis (University of Patras, Greece)
Lazaros Iliadis (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
Achilles Kameas (Hellenic Open University, Greece)
Efthyvoulos Kyriakou (Frederick University, Cyprus)
Spyros Likothanasis (University of Patras, Greece)
Stephen G. MacDonell (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Tim Menzies (West Virginia University, USA)
Nikolaos Mittas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Harris Papadopoulos (Frederick University, Cyprus)
Constantinos Pattichis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Christos Schizas (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Ioannis Stamelos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Shin Yoo (University College London, United Kingdom)
... to be completed

Industrial Program Committee:
Tony Ellinas (InfoScreen, Cyprus)
Kypros Economides (Ericsson Cyprus)
Dr. Panagiotis Gouvas (Ubitech, Greece)
Kostas Kalaboukas (SingularLogic, Greece)
Dr. Nicos Mateou (Ministry of Defense, Cyprus)
Stavros Minas (Logisoft, Cyprus)
George Rossides (, Cyprus)
Till Janner (SAP, Switzerland)
Dr. Anastasis A. Sofokleous (Infotex, Cyprus)
Christos Xenis (Logisoft, Cyprus)
... to be completed

Papers should not exceed 10 pages in length and must be formatted according to the LNCS Springer publication style found here ( In addition, papers should be submitted either in Microsoft Word or PDF format via email to one of the Workshop Chairs.
Each paper will reviewed by at least 2 academic referees. Papers reporting industrial applications will be reviewed by at least 1 industrial referee.

Important Dates:
Paper submission: April 27, 2012
Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 26, 2012
Camera-ready submission: June 4, 2012
Early registration: June 04, 2012
Workshop dates: September 27-30, 2012


Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop (approx. 20 minutes allocated time) and will be published in the Proceedings of the main event.
The papers of the workshop will be also considered for potential selection for publication in special issues of the journals “Artificial Intelligence Review”, “Engineering Intelligent Systems” and “Fuzzy Sets and Systems”.

Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the workshop to present the paper.

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