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ESANN 2010 : European Symposium on Neural Networks


Conference Series : The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
When Apr 28, 2010 - Apr 30, 2010
Where Bruges, Belgium
Submission Deadline Nov 25, 2009
Notification Due Jan 18, 2010

Call For Papers

Call for papers

[Submission - Scope and topics - Special sessions - Deadline - Copyright transfer - Instructions for authors - LaTeX style file - Authorized file formats]

Scope and topics
Since its first happening in 1993, the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks has become the reference for researchers on fundamentals and theoretical aspects of artificial neural networks, computational intelligence, machine learning and related topics. Each year, around 100 specialists attend ESANN, in order to present their latest results and comprehensive surveys, and to discuss the future developments in this field.

The ESANN'2010 conference will follow this tradition, while adapting its scope to the new developments in the field. The ESANN conferences cover artificial neural networks, machine learning, statistical information processing and computational intelligence. Mathematical foundations, algorithms and tools, and applications are covered.

Papers will be presented orally (single track) and in poster sessions; all posters will be complemented by a short oral presentation during a plenary session. It is important to mention that the topics of a paper decide if it better fits into an oral or a poster session, not its quality. The selection of posters will be identical to oral presentations, and both will be printed in the same way in the proceedings. Nevertheless, authors must indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation when submitting their paper.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks topics covered during the ESANN conferences:

Statistical and mathematical aspects of learning Data mining
Feedforward models Signal processing and modeling
Kernel machines Approximation and identification
Graphical models, EM and Bayesian learning Classification and clustering
Vector quantization and self-organizing maps Feature extraction and dimension reduction
Recurrent networks and dynamical systems Time series forecasting
Blind signal processing Multimodal interfaces and multichannel processing
Ensemble learning Vision and sensory systems
Nonlinear projection and data visualization Identification of non-linear dynamical systems
Fuzzy neural networks Biometry
Evolutionary computation Bioinformatics
Bio-inspired systems Brain-computer interfaces

Special sessions

Special sessions will be organized by renowned scientists in their respective fields. Papers submitted to these sessions are reviewed according to the same rules as any other submission. Authors who submit papers to one of these sessions are invited to mention it on the author submission form; nevertheless, submissions to the special sessions must follow the same format, instructions and deadlines as any other submission, and must be sent to the same address.

See the special sessions page for details.


Prospective authors are invited to submit their contributions before 25 November 2009.

Copyright transfer

By submitting your paper (both the submission and the final version),

you confirm that the same work has not been published or submitted elsewhere (conference or journal);
you confirm that the same work will not be submitted to any other conference or journal before the notification of acceptance or rejection of your submission to ESANN;
you accept not to distribute your paper before the conference (in particular, you will not make it available on a web page);
you transfer the rights to distribute and reproduce your paper in any form (paper and electronic) to the ESANN organization (d-side s.a.). In particular, you accept that your paper will be printed in the proceedings, made available on the web and on any possible electronic support. You keep the rights to freely distribute yourself your paper, provided that full reference is given. Once it will be made available on the ESANN proceedings web pages, only this version may be distributed (it will contain the full references inserted on each page of the paper).

Instructions for authors

Papers must not exceed 6 pages, including figures and references.
Papers submitted to one of the special sessions (see topics and special sessions) must be identified on the author submission form.
Manuscript must be printed on one side only of A4 sheets. Printing area must be 12.2 x 19.3 cm, centered on the A4 page. Left, Right, top and bottom margins will thus be respectively 4.4, 4.4, 5.2 and 5.2 cm. Complying with these margins and centering the text on the A4 sheets is mandatory: the manuscript will be reproduced in its original size in the proceedings, and margins will be cut to the book format. Submissions not respecting these margins will be photocopied before printing, what strongly reduce their quality in the proceedings.
10 pt Times font will be used for the core of the text. Headings will be in bold characters (but not underlined), and will be separated from the main text by two blank lines before and one after.
The manuscript will begin with a header which includes the title (Times 14 pt, bold, centered), two blank lines, the names of the authors (Times 10 pt, centered), a blank line, their affiliation(s) (Times 9 pt, centered), two blank lines, the abstract (Times 9 pt, justified), and two blank lines. The maximum width of the header (title, authors, affiliations and abstract) will be 10.2 cm (i.e. left and right margins will be each 1 cm larger than for the main text).
Originals of the figures will be pasted into the manuscript and centered between the margins. The lettering of the figures will be in Times 10 pt font. Figures should be numbered. Figure captions (Times 9 pt) will also be centered between the margins.
The pages of the manuscript will not be numbered (numbering decided by the editor).

Word style file

Authors may download a Word template to typeset their manuscript; this template is available in .doc and .dot formats: please click on esannV2.doc or on

Warning: these files were not tested in depth. We regret that we cannot give support for the use of these files. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the authors to check if a submission produced with the help of these files does correspond to the instructions for authors, in particular what concerns the margin requirements. If necessary, margins should be adapted to produce the required format.

The style file itself contains important instructions. In particular, do not forget to set the page size in your softwares (Word, and also any printer driver or file generator to produce the PS or PDF file) to A4, not to Letter.

LaTeX style file

Authors may download LaTeX style files and use them to typeset their manuscript. This is a NEW style file to be used since the ESANN'2005 conference; do not use the style file that was available for ESANN conferences before 2005 anymore!

Warning: these files were not tested in depth. We regret that we cannot give support for the use of these files. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the authors to check if a submission produced with the help of these files does correspond to the instructions for authors, in particular what concerns the margin requirements. If necessary, please adjust the offset values as indicated at the beginning of the esannstyleV2.tex document.

The .tex file itself contains important instructions. In particular, do not forget to set the page size in your softwares (LaTeX, dvi2ps, and any other file generator used to produce the PS or PDF file) to A4, not to Letter.

Please click on esannV2.tex to get the .tex source file to be used to typeset your manuscript, and on esannV2.cls to get the syle file itself. An example of compiled format is available PS and PDF formats: click on or on esannV2.pdf. If you wish to recompile the esannV2.tex file, you should have the ESANN2005BW.eps figure too.

Authorized file formats

During the electronic submission procedure, you will be asked to upload a file with your paper. Authorized file formats are the following: PS (PostScript) and PDF (Postscript Description File). Depending on your preferred Word processor, please generate your PS or PDF file as follows. In both cases (LaTeX and Word users) please print the PDF or PS file on your PostScript printer, and check manually if the margin requirements are fulfilled. Indeed it happens that, depending on the configuration of your software, the PS or PDF file generation modifies the margins or sets the page format to Letter instead of A4. In both cases, the problem must be solved before uploading your paper.

Microsoft Word users
Set the page size to A4 (not letter !)
Print it in a file, using the "Adobe Generic PostScript Printer" driver. Do not use any other PostScript driver, as most printer-specific drivers do not produce "clean" PostScript code. The "Adobe Generic PostScript Printer" may be downloaded freely from Adobe's site (click on "Printer Drivers).
If you own Adobe Acrobat (commercial full version, not only the free Adobe Acrobat Reader), convert your PS file into PDF with Acrobat Distiller; set the resolution to 600 dpi. Do not use any other software able to transfor PS files into PDF. If you don't own Adobe Acrobat full version, then send us only your PS file; we will generate the PDF file for you.
LaTeX users
Use the LaTeX style files available for the ESANN format
Generate a dvi file
Convert your dvi file into PS with the following command:
dvips -P pdf
(the -P pdf option generates a PS file smoother on the screen when further converted to PDF)
If you own Adobe Acrobat (commercial full version, not only the free Adobe Acrobat Reader), convert your PS file into PDF with Acrobat Distiller; set the resolution to 600 dpi. Do not use any other software able to transfor PS files into PDF. If you don't own Adobe Acrobat full version, then send us only your PS file; we will generate the PDF file for you.
Do not use any LaTeX to PDF or dvi to PDF utility (they do not produce PDF files as clean as those obtained through the method above).

Related Resources

IJCNN 2025   International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
21st AIAI 2025   21st (AIAI) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
25th EANN/EAAAI 2025   25th (EANN/EAAAI) Engineering Applications and Advances of of Artificial Intelligence
MLSC 2025   6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing
DATA 2025   14th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
DeLTA 2025   6th International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
AIBD 2025   6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
AIAP 2025   12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
CCCIoT 2025   6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and IoT
ESANN 2024   32nd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning