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HFC3D 2012 : ICME2012 Workshop on Human-Focused Communications in the 3D Continuum


When Jul 9, 2012 - Jul 9, 2012
Where Melbourne
Submission Deadline Mar 5, 2012
Notification Due Mar 26, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 9, 2012
Categories    HCI   3D   3DTV

Call For Papers

ICME 2012 Workshop on Human-Focused Communications in the 3D Continuum Melbourne, Australia, July 9, 2012 ========================================================

HFC3D is the 2nd international event organized by the 3D Rendering, Processing and Communications (3DRPC) Interest Group of MMTC, Communications Society.
The goal of this workshop will be on discussing how novel techniques in the 3D continuum can improve the modeling of user intentions and responses so that digital technology can be deployed effectively. A major focus will be on how emerging 3DTV techniques can facilitate human-machine dialog in a constrained multimedia environment. We anticipate experts from various research areas, including computer vision, computer graphics & visualization, and multimedia communications, contributing to this workshop, which will provide a forum to identify critical issues, possible solutions and future trends.

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of 6 pages, including figures, references and results. Authors of the selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue in Advances in Multimedia Journal.

Key topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D acquisition and modeling of human affect
- Human-centered interactions in virtual and augmented multimedia environments
- Coordination of human interactions in a collaborative real-time environment
- Visualization and analysis of human affect using 3DTV technology
- Surveillance of human affect using 3DTV technology
- Tracking of human affect using 3D depth and multimedia information
- Real-time transmission of human activities over the Internet Compression, quality assessment and optimization of human activities data in the 3D multimedia processing pipeline
- Human-centered multimedia communication interfaces, tools and applications.
- Applications of human-centered 3D techniques in healthcare, rehabilitation, games and education.

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Terry Caelli, NICTA, Australia

Program Committee
Ghassan Alregib, Georgia Tech, USA
Salim Bouzerdoum, U Wollongong, Australia Marco Cagnazzo, Telecom ParisTech, France Irene Cheng, U Alberta, Canada Frederic Dufaux, Telecom ParisTech, France Pascal Frossard, EPFL, Switzerland Henry Gardner, ANU, Australia Roland Goecke, U Canberra, Australia Atanas Gotchev, TUT, Finland Christine Guillemot, INRIA, France Wanqing Li, U Wollongong, Australia Hongdong Li, ANU, Australia Luce Morin, INRIA, France Adrian Munteanu, VUB, Belgium Joonki, Paik, CAU, Korea Massimo Piccardi, UTS, Australia Farzad Safaei, U Wollongong, Australia Nicu Sebe, U Trento, Italy Changming Sun, CSIRO, Australia Anthony Vetro, MERL, USA

The important dates of the HFC3D are:
- Paper submission March 5, 2012
- Notification of acceptance March 26, 2012
- Camera ready papers due April 9, 2012
- Workshop July 9, 2012

We Look forward to your submission and meeting you in Melbourne.

General Chairs
Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Telecom ParisTech, France Cha Zhang, Microsoft, USA Jun Zhou, ANU, Australia

Further information available at:

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