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IIKI 2012 : International Workshop on Identification, Information and Knowledge on the Internet of Things in junction with International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2012)


When Oct 24, 2012 - Oct 26, 2012
Where Wuxi, China
Submission Deadline Aug 25, 2012
Notification Due Sep 10, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 20, 2012
Categories    knowledge retrieving   knowledge sharing   data management   semantic interoperability

Call For Papers

International Workshop on Identification, Information and Knowledge on
the Internet of Things in junction with
International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2012)
Oct. 24-26, 2012 Wuxi, China

With the recent advances and falling cost of RFID, sensor networks, NFC, and other relevant technologies, the Internet of Things comes to our view, and will be applied in our daily life and business process management. The wonderful living of humans and high efficiency of business relies mostly on intelligent technologies and the seamless integration of the information in the virtual world and the things existed in real world. Full intelligentialization would be the ultimate goal of the Internet of Things. Achieving this goal requires the identification of things, the integration and management of heterogeneous data, and knowledge-based decision systems. Due to the varieties of different technologies, such as RFID, sensor networks, NFC, Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi, WiMAX, we face several key challenges: How to identify the things? How to integrate and transfer enriched data? How to collect and process information? How to retrieve the knowledge automatically from the huge volumes of data and information? How to share the knowledge among smart things? How to ensure the security of the information and protect the private information?
The challenges on technologies of identification, information, and knowledge systems are the primary issues for the purpose of full implementation of the Internet of Things. This workshop aims to provide the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing research, development, and deployment efforts in these technologies.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scopes:
 Identification technologies in the Internet of Things
 Technologies of data management and integration in the Internet of Things
 Business information processing and business models in the Internet of Things
 Integration of heterogeneous information for the Internet of Things
 Management information systems of the Internet of Things
 Knowledge retrieving and sharing mechanisms in the Internet of Things
 Enterprise knowledge management in the Internet of Things
 Reasoning algorithms for the knowledge systems in the Internet of Things
 Interoperability including Semantic interoperability in the Internet of Things
 Privacy protection and security issues of the Internet of Things
 Service oriented computing in the Internet of Things
 Intelligent applications of the Internet of Things
 Data Mining in the Internet of Things
 Context Awareness in the Internet of Things
 Positioning and tracking based on Information processing in the Internet of Things

Submission Details
We encourage submissions of full papers and position papers presenting novel ideas that may lead to insightful technical discussions at this workshop. Papers should contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere, and references to related state-of-the-art work. All submissions should be prepared in the IEEE conference proceedings format (up to 8 pages, in PDF/DOC) and will be peer-reviewed by at least three program committee members. Detailed submission instructions will be made available on the conference homepage (
Please submit papers by email to Yunchuan Sun (

All accepted papers after extending will be considered for publication in the following special issues:
 Special issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing journal (ISSN: 1617-4909, SCI IF:0.938) for selected papers;
 Special issue of Knowledge-based Systems journal (ISSN:0950-7051 , SCI IF: 2.422) for selected papers;
 Special issue of Automatika journal (ISSN: 0005-1144, SCI IF: 0.208) for selected papers;
 Special issue of International Journal of Digital Content: Technology and its Applications (ISSN: 1975-9339, EI-indexed) for all accepted papers.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to publish a short paper (2-4 pages) in the theme collection of Communications in Mobile Computing (ComC) (ISSN: 2192-1121), which is a Springer Open Access online-only journal. Open access fees will be waived for these papers.

Important Dates
 Paper Submission Deadline: Aug. 10, 2012
 Paper Acceptance Notification: Sept. 10, 2012
 Camera-ready Paper Submissions: Sept.20, 2012
 Workshop Date: Oct. 24, 2012

General Chairs
 Rongfang Bie, Beijing Normal University, China
 Rob van Kranenburg, Think tank Council for IoT & Expert Group on IoT for EC, Belgium

Program Co-Chairs
 Alessandro Bassi, Alessandro Bassi Consulting, IoT Working Group of the EU Technological Platform EPoSS, (IoT-A) FP7 IP project for Hitachi, Ltd, France
 Xiuzhen Cheng, The George Washington University, USA
 Walid Gaaloul, TELECOM SudParis, France
 Yunchuan Sun, Beijing Normal University, China

Program Committee Members
 Ebrahim Bagheri, Athabasca University and University of British Columbia,Canada
 Benoit Christophe, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
 Philippe Cousin, Eglobalmark company, France
 Charalampos Doukas, University of the Aegean, Greece
 Xiaozhi Gao, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
 Junqi Guo, Beijing Normal University, China
 Qing He, Beijing Normal University, China
 Antonio J. Jara, University of Murcia, Spain
 Charles J. Kim, Howard University, USA
 Song Li, Beijing Normal University, China
 Jin Liu, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
 Xiangfeng Luo, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
 Ilias Maglogiannis, University of Central Greece, Greece
 Chengming Qi, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China
 Yu Shi, Beijing REN JU ZHI HUI Technology Co. Ltd, China
 Yukinori Suzuki, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
 Jarno M. A. Tanskanen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
 Shenling Wang, Beijing Normal University, China
 Junsheng Zhang, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, China
 ZhangBing Zhou, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China & TELECOM SudParis, France

Please contact Yunchuan Sun ( for further enquiries about this workshop.

Related Resources

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ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
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