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When Jun 27, 2012 - Jun 30, 2012
Where Ouro Preto, Brazil
Submission Deadline Mar 5, 2012
Notification Due Apr 9, 2012
Final Version Due May 7, 2012
Categories    database foundations   databases   data   computer science

Call For Papers

June 27-30, 2011, Ouro Preto, Brazil amw2012

AMW - the Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management - is an initiative of the Latin American community of researchers in data management, to which our friend, colleague and mentor Alberto so greatly contributed. In its 6th edition, AMW has been a periodical Latin America-based venue for high level research in the fundamental aspects of the area. This is a way to honor the memory of Alberto, and to boost and solidify the research in the region. This event, as the previous ones, encourages the participation of Latin American graduate students and presents some activities specially designed for them. AMW 2012 will be held in Ouro Preto, Brazil, on June 27-30, 2012. Ouro Preto (Black Gold) is a former colonial mining town and a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its outstanding Baroque architecture. Previous editions were in Laguna San Rafael, Chile, November 2006; Punta del Este, Uruguay, November 2007; Arequipa, Peru, May 2009; Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2010; and Santiago, Chile, May 2011.

We solicit original submissions on foundational aspects of the following areas (among possibly others) of data management:

computational model theory; constraint databases; data exchange; data integration; data mining; data modeling; data management on the Web; data streams; data warehouses; database algorithms; distributed and parallel databases; incompleteness; inconsistency; information retrieval; integrity constraints; knowledge bases; logic; multimedia; physical design; privacy; provenance; quantitative approaches; query languages; query optimization; ontologies; real-time data; recovery; scientific data; search; security; semi-structured data; sensor data; services; spatial data; temporal data; transactions; uncertainty; updates; views; workflows; XML.


Paper submissions must be in electronic form using Portable Document Format (.pdf). Papers should be formatted according to the Springer LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture Notes in Computer Science, which is available at The length should not exceed 12 pages. Papers longer than 12 pages risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

The submissions will be judged for scientific quality and relevance. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. The proceedings will be published in electronic format as a CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
For submissions use EasyChair:


Submission: March 5, 2012
Notification: April 9, 2012
Camera-ready: May 7, 2012
Workshop dates: June 27 - 30, 2012


Program Chairs
Dan Suciu, University of Washington
Juliana Freire, NYU Poly

Student Session Chair
Mirella M. Moro, UFMG

Program Committee
Francesco Bonchi, Yahoo!, Spain
Angela Bonifati, ICAR-CNR, Italy
Andrea Cali, Oxford University, UK
Sara Cohen, HUJI, Jerusalem
Isabel Cruz, U. Illinois at Chicago, USA
Wolfgang Gatterbauer, CMU, USA
Boris Glavic, U. Toronto, Canada
Marcos Gonçalves, UFMG, Brazil
Claudio Gutierrez, U. of Chile, Chile
Solmaz Kolahi, U. British Columbia, Canada
Dongwon Lee, Penn State U., USA
Domenico Lembo, U. di Roma, Italy
Marta Mattoso, UFRJ, Brazil
Regina Motz, U. de la Republica, Uruguay
Frank Neven, U. Hasselt, Belgium,
Rachel Pottinger, U. British Columbia, Canada
Vibhor Rastogi, Yahoo! Research, USA
Altigran S. da Silva, UFAM, Brazil
Cristina Sirangelo, ENS Cachan, France
Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs-Research, USA
Julia Stoyanovich, U. Pennsylvania, USA
David Toman, U. Waterloo, Canada
Alejandro Vaisman, U. B. Aires, Argentina
Stijn Vansummeren, ULB, Belgium
Ke Yi, UST, Hong Kong

Organizing Committee
Alberto H. F. Laender, General Chair, UFMG
Mirella M. Moro, Local Chair, UFMG
Clodoveu A. Davis Jr., UFMG
Marcos A. Gonçalves, UFMG

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