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KST 2014 : 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology


When Jan 30, 2014 - Jan 31, 2014
Where Burapha University, Thailand
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2013
Notification Due Dec 1, 2013
Final Version Due Dec 15, 2013
Categories    computational intelligence   intelligent application   intelligent networking   emerging intelligence system

Call For Papers

KST international conference has been established with the aim in mind that a sustainable community will be achieved through continuous studies and share resources. The conference will be held annually in Burapha University which located in the Eastern part of Thailand. It provides a central forum for experts and developers to promote, share, and discuss various issues and developments in the broad field of Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Application, Intelligent Computer Networks and Systems, and Emerging Intelligent Technologies. KST international conference will provide an opportunity for young researchers to demonstrate their talent and interesting research ideas. The conference will benefit people who are actively involved in research related to computational intelligence and its applications. Accepted papers will be published in the KST-2014 Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be proposed for further extension before publishing in ECTI-Transaction on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT).

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