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IDT 2015 : 9th IEEE International Design & Test Symposium 2014


When Dec 16, 2014 - Dec 18, 2014
Where Algiers, Algeria
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2014
Notification Due Oct 31, 2014
Final Version Due Nov 14, 2014
Categories    computer design   digital systems   digital design

Call For Papers


Design Methods and Tools
Test and Reliability
IP and SOC Design Yield Learning
Multiprocessor/Multi-core Systems IP and SOC Testing
Embedded systems Multiprocessor/Multi-Core Systems Test
DFX Memory & FPGA Test & repair
Analog, Mixed Signal and RF Design Delay Testing
High Speed Circuits Design High Speed, Analog, Mixed Signal & RF Testing
Design of MEMS and MOEMS MEMS/MOEMS Testing
Low Voltage and Low Power systems Defect and Fault Modeling
Innovative technologies DFT, BIST and BISR
Real time systems On-line Testing / Fault Tolerance
Simulation, Validation & Verification Fault Simulation, ATPG
System Specification and Modeling Reliability Failures/ Modeling
Formal Methods and Verification Circuit Reliability
System Design/Synthesis/Optimization Electronic system reliability
Regular Submissions

IDT’14 invites original, unpublished paper submissions. Paper submissions should be complete manuscripts, not exceeding six pages (inclusive of figures, tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE two-column format. Authors should clearly explain the significance of the work, highlight novel features and describe its current status. All submissions are to be made electronically through the IDT’14 website. Detailed instructions for submissions are to be found at the IDT’14 website. A submission will be considered as evidence that, upon acceptance, the author(s) will prepare the final camera-ready version of the paper in time for inclusion in the proceedings, and will present the paper at the conference.All papers will be taken into consideration for the IDT 2014 Best Paper Award. In addition, a set of best papers will be considered for IEEE Design and Test.

Special proposals

Special Sessions can take any form such as (a) Hot-Topic session addressing and discussing the challenges in topics of interest such as Design and Test related issues, (b) (Embedded) tutorials introducing and discussing topics of interest to conference attendees, (c) Panels discussing visionary and/or controversial issues, etc. Special Session proposals consist of an extended summary of up to 1500 words as PDF file, describing the session content and format, and must be submitted via electronically through the IDT’14 website.


IDT’14 will produce Formal Proceedings of accepted papers, published by the IEEE. The proceedings will be available to all participants during the conference.

Key Dates

Submission deadline: September 30, 2014
Notification of acceptance: October 31, 2014
Camera-ready manuscript: November 14, 2014

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