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TLIR 2008 : Second International Workshop on Teaching and Learning of Information Retrieval


When Oct 18, 2008 - Oct 18, 2008
Where London, UK
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2008
Notification Due Sep 29, 2008
Categories    information retrieval

Call For Papers



Second International Workshop on Teaching and
Learning of Information Retrieval

Workshop in conjunction with IiiX2008


Justification, goals and summary of the workshop

Information Retrieval (IR) is a research area that has generated a great
deal of interest in recent years, largely due to the growth of the
Internet. Many different problems that have arisen during this time have
been tackled by the efforts of thousand of researchers around the world.
New advances are spread following the usual scientific channels, i.e.
journals and conferences, keeping researchers abreast of new
developments in the field.

However we need to ensure that students who study the subject of IR
understand the basis of this discipline, not just with the aim of
conducting research in the future for example, but also as a way of
learning how search engines work - tools that they use for their own
benefit on a daily basis. IR is a very useful subject to reinforce the
knowledge acquired in other fields, such as programming, data
structures, user interface design etc. Postgraduate students who may
conduct research in this area also need to know the fundamental aspects
of the subject, simply because they may be building new solutions for them.

Therefore as important as research is to IR, one way to improve the
profile of the subject is to create a common space where IR lecturers
and researchers can share their experiences and opinions in the field of
IR teaching at any of the educational levels (primary, secondary and
tertiary). The aim of the workshop is to provide this common space.

The first edition of the workshop was held in January 10th, 2007, under
the auspices of the BCS-IRSG at the BSC Headquarters in London. The
proceedings were published by the BCS 'Electronic Workshops in
Computing' (eWIC). We have designed this workshop to provide an event
which will strengthen the community, attracting both young and
experienced lecturers, who will be encouraged to present their
experiences and ideas, obtaining a valuable feedback from an audience
with the same interests.

We have a number of broad topics to which we invite position papers on,
and will then take the issues to a couple of break out sessions. The
breakout sessions will develop positions based on the core questions
raised by the position papers.
We intend to publish a white paper on our findings from these session,
and feedback the issue to the academic community. The outcome therefore
is not a set of papers which discuss pedagogical research in the area,
but a set of recommendations to those who teach IR on how to improve
delivery and quality on their courses, from several perspectives -
academic, professional body and commercial.

The scope of this workshop will be all the experiences teaching IR.
Possible topics are listed under the following categories, although not
restricted to:

Level 1
[A] Technical Level (Non-technical Mid-way to Technical continuum)
[B] Educational Goals
[b1] Library and information Science
[b2] Computer Science
[b3] MIS
[b3] Linguistics
Level 2
[1] Teaching and Learning methods:
[1a] classroom;
[1b] elearning (distance learning);
[2] Assessment and feedback
[3] Curricula.

We invite position papers on IR teaching, theoretical or position
papers on any of some of the areas mentioned above. For all the areas we
identify we will provide a broad overview of them, and a list off issues
which will be discussed further in breakout sessions.


Papers will have an extension of 3 or 4 pages at most.
In, the authors may find the
Microsoft Windows Template for writing the paper. This will be the only
possible format.

The papers will be electronically published by eWiC (BCS electronic
Worshops in Computing - Later, authors of best
papers will be invited to submit extended versions as chapters of a book
on teaching and learning of IR (as soon as we have the detail of the
publishers and series, we shall inform).

The papers will be submitted in PDF format to the following URL:

Depending on the number of papers accepted, the presentation of some of
them will take place in a poster session.

Important Dates

Deadline for paper submission: September, 15th, 2008.
Notification of Acceptance: September 29th, 2008.
Camera ready: October, 6th, 2008.
Workshop: October, 18th, 2008.

Workshop Organisers

Andrew MacFarlane (,
Department of Information Science. City University. London - United Kingdom.

Juan F. Huete (,
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial.
Universidad de Granada - Spain.

Juan M. Fernández-Luna (,
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial.
Universidad de Granada - Spain.

Efthimis N. Efthimiadis (,
The information School, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.


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