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LxGr 2025 : 10th Symposium on Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar


When Jul 11, 2025 - Jul 12, 2025
Where Ormskirk, UK
Submission Deadline Apr 4, 2025
Categories    NLP   computational linguistics   artificial intelligene

Call For Papers

10th Symposium on Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr2025)


Deadline for abstract submission: 4 April 2025

The symposium will take place online on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 July 2025.

LxGr primarily welcomes papers reporting on corpus-based research on any aspect of the interaction of lexis and grammar -- particularly studies that interrogate the system lexicogrammatically to get lexicogrammatical answers. However, position papers discussing theoretical or methodological issues, as well as descriptions or demonstrations of tools or resources are also welcome, as long as they are relevant to both lexicogrammar and corpus linguistics.

The theme of LxGr2025 is: Conceptions of Lexicogrammar: How can corpus linguistics shed light on its nature?

If you would like to present, send an abstract of 500 words (excluding references) to

Abstracts for research papers should specify the research focus (research questions or hypotheses), the corpus, the methodology (techniques, metrics), the theoretical orientation, and the main findings.
Abstracts for position papers should specify the theoretical orientation and the potential contribution to both lexicogrammar and corpus linguistics.
Abstracts for tools or resources should provide a clear description of the main functions, and specify the potential contribution to both lexicogrammar and corpus linguistics.

Full papers will be allocated 35 minutes (including 10 minutes for discussion).
Work-in-progress reports will be allocated 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).

There will be no parallel sessions.
Participation is free.

For details, visit the LxGr website:

If you have any questions, please contact

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