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AILBIZ 2021 : International Workshop on A.I. for Understanding the Legal Business


When Jun 21, 2021 - Jun 25, 2021
Where online
Submission Deadline Apr 26, 2021
Notification Due May 10, 2021
Final Version Due May 24, 2021
Categories    NLP   artificial intelligence   law

Call For Papers

AILBIZ - International Workshop on A.I. for Understanding the Legal Business (

Collocated with International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 2021 (

Call for Contributions

The main objective of AILBIZ 2021 is to establish a venue for sharing and
discussing with the research community at ICAIL problems that are relevant
to the use of AI and ML for understanding the legal business. It will host a
selected group of invited speakers along with technical contributions from
the research community with special focus in the following topics:

* Segmentation, normalization and classification of text narratives
* Derivation of legal work structure from time series of text data
* Natural Language Understanding in the legal business domain
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning for text mining in the legal domain

Paper Format and Submissions
AILBIZ 2021 will follow the same submission format and guidelines as ICAIL
2021. Papers should not exceed 6 pages (excluding references and appendix)
and must follow the ACM sigconf template (for LaTeX) or the interim template
layout.docx (for Word), both at All papers should be
converted to PDF prior to electronic submission. Submissions should be
uploaded into AILBIZ's submission page by the submission

Paper reviews will be double blind. Papers submitted for review should not
include names and affiliations of the authors, nor an acknowledgments
section. These aspects can be added at the camera-ready stage. The
references should include published literature relevant to the paper,
including previous works of the authors, though care should be taken in the
style of writing in order to preserve anonymity.

Important Dates
* April 26, 2021: Paper Submission Deadline
* May 10, 2021: Paper Acceptance Notification
* May 24, 2021: Camera-Ready Version Deadline
* June 21-25, 2021: ICAIL 2021 (Workshop day to be announced)

* Rafael E Banchs, Intapp Inc., USA
* Shawn Hainsworth, Cooley LLP, USA
* Doaa Sammy, Cairo University, Egypt
* Luis F D'Haro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

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