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etc 2012 : The European Telemetry and Test Conference etc2012


When Jun 12, 2012 - Jun 14, 2012
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2012
Notification Due Feb 24, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 6, 2012
Categories    telemetry   test

Call For Papers

etc2012 will spotlight the most recent innovations in methods, systems, and instrumentation from industry, researchers and laboratories all around the world. The European Telemetry Conference will showcase original technical papers and innovative ideas in Test, Telemetry, Telecontrol, Instrumentation and Recording technologies for industrial, automotive, scientific, aerospace, space, naval and military applications.

If you are engaged in research, systems development, or have an interesting or novel application associated with the technologies or applications listed below, etc2012 provides a prestigious opportunity to present this information to decision makers, other researchers, potential customers and end users.

Contributions would be most welcome for, but not limited to:


Antennas and Target Tracking
Data Storage and Archive, XML, Databases
Electromagnetic Fields and Environmental Research
Industrial Telemetry and Data Acquisition
Recording and Processing Technologies
Satellite Communications and Earth Observation
Security and Surveillance
Telemetry, Telecontrol and Telescience
Test Instrumentation and Monitoring Systems
Time Generation and Distribution (GPS,Galileo,etc,)
Traffic Monitoring and Control
Wireless Data Networks


Aerospace, Space and UAVs
Aircraft Integrated Monitoring Systems
Automotive, Crash-Test and Car Racing
Automation and Robotics
Biotelemetry, Biological Systems and Meteorology
Flight Test Instrumentation
Industry and Military
Microminiature and low-priced telemetry-systems
Sensor networks
Submarine and Naval
Science and Research
Simulation and Standardization
Telemetry in „Green Applications“
Time and Navigation

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