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RESIM 2012 : 9th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation


When Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 27, 2012
Where Trondheim, Norway
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2012
Notification Due May 11, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 13, 2012
Categories    simulation   rare events   modeling

Call For Papers

RESIM is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on the development and application of rare event simulation. We solicit papers presenting advances, new results and applications in the field, with a particular interest in papers that make a contribution to some area of network models and/or communication sciences.

The scope of the workshop includes (but is not limited to):

Methodologies and theoretical foundations
- Importance sampling based simulation techniques
- Rare event simulation techniques based on splitting sample paths (e.g., the RESTART method)
- Stratified Sampling
- Hybrid analytic/simulation techniques
- Other novel approaches to rare event simulation
- Rare event simulation of heavy-tailed and long range dependent processes
- Large deviations theory

Applications of rare event techniques
- Simulation
- Rare event techniques in experiments, e.g., in networking
- Adaptive optimization techniques
- Autonomous systems and systems management (Complex Adaptive Systems)
- Performance and traffic handling
- Reliability and fault handling

Indicate your interest in presenting a paper by submitting a title and a 1-page abstract by April 20th, 2012. Please follow the instructions for authors.

Authors will be notified of the acceptance or not of their paper by May 11th, 2012. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to participate in the workshop.

A workshop compendium will be prepared ahead of the workshop. All materials that should be included in the compendium (short or full paper, or abstract supplemented by viewgraphs; maximum 12 pages) are due by June, 13th 2012.

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