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Call for Workshops ICCS 2013 : Call for Workshops (International Conference on Conceptual Structures 2013)


When Jan 10, 2013 - Jan 12, 2013
Where Mumbai
Submission Deadline Aug 14, 2012
Notification Due Aug 18, 2012
Categories    conceptual structures   formal concept anaysis   knowledge representation   data mining

Call For Papers

ICCS 2013 – Call for Workshop Proposals

ICCS'13: Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Representation for STEM Research and Education 10th - 12th January, Mumbai, India

The 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2013) is the latest in a series of annual conferences that have been held in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America since 1993. The focus of these conferences has been the representation and analysis of conceptual knowledge for research and business applications. ICCS brings together researchers in information technology, arts, humanities and social science to explore novel ways for employing conceptual structures in information systems.
Arising originally out of the work of IBM in Conceptual Graphs, over the years ICCS has broadened its scope to include a wider range of theories and practices, among them Formal Concept Analysis, Description Logics, the Semantic Web, the Pragmatic Web, Ontologies, Multi-agent Systems, Concept Mapping, and more. Accordingly conceptual structures represent a family of approaches that builds on the successes of artificial intelligence, business intelligence, computational linguistics, conceptual modeling, information and web technologies, user modeling, and knowledge management.
We would like to invite proposals for workshops. Contributions to the workshops can include novel ideas which are presented in a less formal setting, possibly more focused on a particular topic than the regular conference sessions.

The workshop proposal, in plain text or PDF, should include the following information:
o Title, scope and topics
o Names, addresses, and affiliation of workshop organizers
o Program committee lists (organizers, steering committee if any, etc.)
o Workshop format planned (papers, demos, panels, etc.)
o Past history of the workshop (where held, number of papers, number of participants)
o Rationale - why is the topic current and important; why would the workshop attract a significant number of submissions of good quality.

Please include a draft call for papers, if available.
Workshop organizers should send their workshop proposals on or before August 14, 2012 to the Workshop Chair of ICCS 2013, Dmitry Ignatov (e-mail:
Notification of acceptance for workshop proposals will be on August 18, 2012.
Notes on Workshop’s Paper Submission and Proceedings
Each paper should be reviewed by at least two workshop Program Committee members.
Papers accepted for publication will be published in proceedings of ICCS 2013 workshops with ISBN and in CEUR-Ws series electronically. Best papers may be published by Springer as part of the ICCS 2013 proceedings in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
Papers submitted need to follow LNAI formatting guidelines available from:
Papers shall not have more than 12 pages (including figures, tables and appendices). Longer papers will not be included in workshop proceedings.

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