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DADH 2017 : The 8th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities


When Nov 29, 2017 - Dec 1, 2017
Where Taipei, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2017
Notification Due Aug 31, 2017
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2017
Categories    digital humanities   social sciences   intelligent systems   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

The 8th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities

Conference Theme: Digital Humanities Evolving: Past, Present, and Future

Venue: National Chengchi University, Taipei
Dates: November 29 – December 1, 2017

While the debates over the definition, landscape, and scale of digital humanities continue, digital humanists seem to have a consensus that digital humanities are constantly evolving and facing new challenges. Take big data as an example. Technologies automatically and instantly archive what people say, what people do, and even what people think. The rich information provided by big data leads humanities research to a new frontier that can hardly be imagined by classical humanists. However, the self-archived data contain real, virtual, and even fake contents. How shall digital archivists and digital humanists embrace big data and big data analytics? Alternatively, will the ubiquitous digitization transform human culture and make “digital humanities” simply become “humanities”?

Digitalization involves computing. Digital humanists share the same tools with computational social scientists to extract information, to analyze social network, and to perform geospatial analysis. Digital humanists have also attempted to apply the tools of computational social sciences to model and simulate the complex human experiences. In the meanwhile, computational social scientists are exploring sentiment modeling. When the research tools and topics of interest become common, how far can digital humanists and social scientists collaborate to gain deeper insights into common research problems and cope with shared challenges?

Continuing the legacy of the past 7 annual conferences of DADH, we welcome the submissions of paper or poster abstracts and panel proposals related to, but not limited to, the aforementioned issues, digital technologies and applications, interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences with the use of digital data, theoretical and epistemological considerations in digital humanities, digital humanities education, digital arts and music, digital infrastructure, cultural heritage, and internet analysis.

Submission Guidelines
§ Submission of a single paper abstract, poster abstract, or a panel proposal is welcomed.
§ All submissions are to be done online (website:
§ Submitted abstract for a single paper or poster should contain 1,000-3,000 words.
§ Submitted panel proposal should contain at least 1,500 words. The panel proposal should provide an overview and the abstracts of 3-4 papers.

Post-Conference Publication
All authors who attend the conference will be invited to submit revised papers to the special issues of the following journals:
New Mathematics and Natural Computation (World Scientific)
Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities)

Detailed information will be announced later.

Important Dates

§ 2017/07/31:Paper/Poster/Panel submission due
§ 2017/08/31:Acceptance Notification due
§ 2017/10/04:Early registrations due
§ 2017/11/04:Presenter registrations due
§ 2017/11/24:Registrations due
§ 2017/11/29-12/01:Conference Dates


AI-Econ Research Center
National Chengchi University
Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University

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