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Sustainable.Spaces 2013 : Call for Chapters: _Sustainable Next-Gen Learning Spaces_ Proposals Due: September 3, 2012


When Jul 16, 2012 - Sep 29, 2012
Where USA
Submission Deadline Sep 3, 2012
Categories    technology   next-gen   spaces   centers

Call For Papers

Call for Chapter Proposals
Proposal Submission Deadline is September 3, 2012

_Sustainable Next-Gen Learning Spaces_ a digital-born project to be submitted to Computers and Composition Digital Press and edited by Russell Carpenter, Dickie Selfe, Shawn Apostel, and Kristi Apostel

As campuses embrace the possibilities offered by new technology and multimodal composition, next-gen centers, studios, and learning environments are being planned, constructed, and re-invented to address the needs of students and instructors in the digital age. This edited collection will offer chapters that feature text, videos, audio files, and images that tell the stories of how next-gen centers embrace sustainability as they move from vision to reality (e.g., sustainable construction, finances, pedagogies, staffing, technology lifecycles, etc.). That is, we are interested in how new centers and older centers both anticipate and reinvent themselves to meet the challenges of new technology and the pedagogical needs of learners and instructors, as well as how people are addressing and adapting to the environmental challenges of e-waste that these centers inevitably create.

But what happens when the physical, next-gen learning space itself seems to disappear? We recognize that mobility and online systems have had a profound influence on digital learning and communication. But learners, teachers, and institutions still need spaces to meet, teach, support each other, and interact. We are, therefore, also interested in chapters that describe how mobile and online systems influence the physical learning, working, and teaching spaces we all inhabit.

Chapter proposals of 300-500 words should discuss how text, visuals, video, audio, and other files will work together to address sustainability in next-gen learning spaces through one of the sections below. Proposals can take two forms: 1) those in which local authors create and submit completed digital chapters that are then reviewed using a traditional process and 2) proposals where local authors submit digital assets that are assembled by the editors (in collaboration with local authors) into a digital project. The entire collection will then be submitted to Computers and Composition Digital Press.

Sections for _Sustainable Next-Gen Learning Spaces_ are as follows:

Section 1: Creating a Sustainable Next-Gen Learning Space (edited by Russell Carpenter)

Chapters in this section will feature new, technologically sophisticated, and sustainable next-gen learning spaces with a focus on how they were envisioned and eventually came to fruition. Through discussions of funding, architectural design, and campus partnerships, these chapters will illustrate the challenges and rewards of opening new academic spaces.

Section 2: Flexibility and the Next-Gen Learning Space (edited by Dickie Selfe)

Chapters in this section will feature stories of reinvention in high-tech learning spaces that facilitate the pedagogical needs of instructors and changes in technology. Discussions may include sustaining and maintaining campus and community partnerships to bring new life to high-tech rooms built in the past or reimagining learning and teaching spaces altogether.

Section 3: Next-Gen Learning Spaces and Environmental Sustainability (edited by Shawn Apostel and Kristi Apostel)

Chapters in this section will feature stories of environmental stewardship in high-tech learning spaces. Discussions will include best practices for purchasing technology, considerations for disposing of and recycling outdated and broken technology, and the way spaces are reducing their carbon footprints through reduced energy consumption, paper recycling, and water conservation.

Chapter proposals will be accepted until September 3, 2012.

Email chapter proposals to

Russell (Rusty) Carpenter
Director, Noel Studio for Academic Creativity & Assistant Professor of English
Eastern Kentucky University
Richard (Dickie) Selfe
Director CSTW & Instructional Technology Consultant
The Ohio State University
Shawn Apostel
Communication Coordinator, Noel Studio for Academic Creativity
Eastern Kentucky University
Kristi Apostel
Senior Lead E-structor
Smarthinking Inc.

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