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IAAS 2012 : International Association of Asian Studies Conference


When Feb 13, 2012 - Feb 18, 2012
Where Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Submission Deadline Nov 5, 2011
Categories    asia, asian studies   pacific islanders   china, japan   communism

Call For Papers

The International Association of Asian Studies will host its 20th national conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana February 13-18, 2012. This conference is expected to have more than 3,000 attendees. In addition, not fewer than 325 research sessions, roundtables, panel discussions, performances and poster sessions will be scheduled throughout the week. In addition to the many scholarly sessions, the conference will include exhibitors, a career fair and health screenings.

Persons interested in presenting a paper, roundtable, etc. should submit an abstract, not to exceed two (2) pages, that is related to Asian and Asian-American experiences. Subjects may include, but are not limited to: literature, demographics, history, politics, economics, education, health care, fine arts, religion, social sciences, business and many other subjects. Please indicate the time required for presentation of your paper (25 OR 45 minutes).

Interested scholars should submit his/her abstract with presenter’s name, institution/organization, address phone, and email no later than Saturday, November 5, 2011. Please forward abstracts to Dr. Lemuel Berry, Jr., Executive Director, NAAAS and Affiliates, PO Box 6670, Scarborough, ME 04070-6670 or by fax to 207/839-3776 or via email to

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