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ISPASS call for workshop/tutorial 2009 : CALL FOR WORKSHOP/TUTORIAL PROPOSALS --- IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software


When Apr 26, 2009 - Apr 28, 2009
Where Boston, MA
Submission Deadline Jan 27, 2009

Call For Papers


2009 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
April 26-28, 2009
Boston, Massachusetts

The 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software ISPASS) will be held in Boston, MA from April 26th to 28st, 2009. ISPASS provides a forum for sharing advanced academic and industrial research work focused on performance analysis in design of computer systems and software.

Proposals are solicited for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with ISPASS 2009. These workshops should be more informal than ISPASS itself, include sessions that enable interaction among the workshop attendees, and be fairly low cost. Both half-day and one-day workshops/tutorial are welcome. All workshops/tutorials will be held on Sunday, April 26th, as capacity allows.

ISPASS welcomes a wide range of workshops/tutorials topics that can be broadly related to performance evaluation and analysis of systems and software for large systems (e.g. datawarehouse), virtualizations, embedded systems, special purpose systems, reconfigurable systems, network systems etc. Please include the following information in the proposal and send it to Jun Yang ( on or before 1/27/2009:

* Title
* Organizers, their affiliations
* Draft call for papers, including the workshop?s main topics
* Expected duration, i.e., half-day or full day
* If the workshop was held in the past, the attendance and number of papers published at
the last workshop.

* Title
* Organizers, their affiliations, presenters and short bios
* Abstract of the tutorial
* Related bibliography (optional)
* Expected duration, half-day or full day
* If the tutorial was held in the past, include the location (which conference), the date and the attendance at the last tutorial.

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