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IoMT-CAS 2021 : The Internet of Multimedia Things, Communications, Applications, and Security


When Nov 15, 2021 - Nov 17, 2021
Where Tartu, Estonia
Submission Deadline Sep 25, 2021
Notification Due Oct 5, 2021
Categories    internet of multimedia things   big data   data science   machine learning

Call For Papers

Multimedia sources and destinations (Multimedia things (MT)) are growing in popularity due to the current fast advances in technology. MTs are bandwidth and resources hungry things that introduce great challenges to current and future solutions in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). Thus, paying more attention to MTs and the need to design specialized solutions for Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) in inevitable. IoMT also is required to support more communication paradigms to support Multimedia applications. The aim of the International workshop on Internet of Multimedia Things, Communications, Applications, and Security (IoMT-CAS) aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry and give them the opportunity to present their contributions to the field. The topic of interest of the workshop are: We solicit papers covering various topics in the field that include but are not limited to the following:

IoMT architectures and technologies
IoMT Applications
Surveillance Systems
Security for IoMT
IoMT communications and computing
IoMT Big Data analytics
Energy-critical IoMT
IoMT routing protocols
IoMT MAC protocols
Machine Learning for IoMT
IoMT security
SDN-based IoMT solutions
Cross-layer protocols for IoMT
Use cases for IoMTs
Internet of Cameras (IoC)
Cloud supported IoMT
AI for IoMT

Related Resources

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