Transcultural Tendencies | Transmedial Transactions.
The global impulse in new media art brings together a wide range of theories and practices from old and new societies, established and speculative philosophies, and traditional and emergent technologies, into new conjunctions and configurations. This syncretic process is producing transformative notions of place and presence, private and social, mind and machine. At the interface of sensibilities and systems, all that is solid melts into air.
These issues form the background to the conference of artists, scholars, scientists, and engineers that will constitute Consciousness Reframed at SIVA, convened by Professor Hu, Vice Dean of SIVA and co-directed by Professor Roy Ascott, Founding President of the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth.
The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, from many countries. Consciousness Reframed conferences have taken place in Australia Austria, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom.