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RTNS 2025 : 33rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems


When Nov 5, 2025 - Nov 7, 2025
Where Pisa, Italy
Submission Deadline Jan 30, 2025
Notification Due Mar 27, 2025
Final Version Due Apr 27, 2025
Categories    real-time systems   networks   operating systems   scheduling

Call For Papers

RTNS now offers 3 deadlines: January, June and August (more details below).

RTNS, renowned for its friendly and inclusive atmosphere, fosters a strong sense of community and provides unparalleled opportunities for discussion, collaboration and networking between researchers and professionals. Building on the success of the multi-round submission system introduced last year, the 33rd RTNS conference continues this innovative approach and now offers an additional third round of submissions to accommodate more high-quality research.

This year’s conference will be hosted in the vibrant city of Pisa, Italy, renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and stunning architecture. This provides an inspiring backdrop for the conference, which aims to bring together experts, practitioners, and students in the field of real-time and network systems.

RTNS invites submissions covering a wide range of topics in real-time systems, networked systems and related areas. We encourage both theoretical and experimental works that push the boundaries of current knowledge. Accepted papers will be presented to an international audience, providing a platform for authors to share their insights and garner feedback from their peers.

We welcome contributions from both established researchers and newcomers to the field in order to create a diverse and dynamic environment. Please note the important deadlines for each submission round and the specific guidelines listed below.

Submit your best work and join us in Pisa for an engaging and enlightening experience at RTNS 2025!

Important Dates
RTNS 1st Round
Submission Deadline January 30, 2025 AoE
Notification March 27, 2025 AoE
Camera ready April 27, 2025 AoE

RTNS 2nd Round (Tentative)
Submission Deadline May 29, 2025 AoE
Notification July 24, 2025 AoE
Camera ready September 4, 2025 AoE

RTNS 3rd Round (Tentative)
Submission Deadline August 14, 2025 AoE
Notification October 9, 2025 AoE
Camera ready October 30, 2025 AoE
Conference Date first half of November 2025

Related Resources

IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
ISORC 2025   International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing
SVC 2025   6th International Conference on Signal Processing, VLSI Design & Communication Systems
ICSNC 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
ISCSIC 2025   2025 9th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control(ISCSIC 2025)
EMERGING 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence
EMSA 2025   14th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications
NMCO 2025   11th International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communication
DEBS 2025   The 19th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2025)
RTAS 2025   IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium