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IEEE RTSOAA 2011 : The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://link.eecs.uci.edu/conferences/rtsoaa2011/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS - RTSOAA 2011 ====================================================================== The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications (RTSOAA 2011) http://link.eecs.uci.edu/conferences/rtsoaa2011/ In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2011) http://link.eecs.uci.edu/conferences/soca2011/ and other related workshops: KSEM 2011, SOSE 2011, KASTLES 2011. December 12th--14th 2011, University of California, Irvine, CA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Theme of the Workshop: Real-Time Cloud Computing and Virtualization ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Constantly changing information and an ever-increasing number of interacting end-users make responsiveness and timeliness guarantees critical requirements of modern service-oriented systems and commercial applications. Real-time service-oriented architectures and applications (RTSOAA) evolve the traditional service-oriented computing to satisfy this demand. As these services get increasingly deployed in virtual environments offered by Cloud providers, it is necessary to introduce new mechanisms to ensure that both the timeliness requirements and goals of the application and middleware layers are respected at the underlying platform. Key needed skills and experiences not only include those ones that can be found in the service-oriented computing systems community, but also the ones usually belonging to the domain of design, modeling, analysis and development of real-time systems, which are crucial for dealing with Quality of Service and timeliness guarantees. This workshop is intended to provide an effective forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange research outcomes, issues, ideas, experiences, and lessons learned from the related academic and industrial research fields. The theme of RTSOAA 2011 is Real-Time Cloud Computing and Virtualization. The impact of the Cloud as a platform for responsive- and timeliness constrained service-oriented applications is to be analyzed. Relevant research topics include: (1) scientific and engineering approaches to meet timing constraints in virtualized infrastructures (IaaS) and platforms (PaaS), and optimally select cloud-enabled services satisfying those constraints; (2) technical and managerial issues of real-time cloud computing services: modeling, infrastructure composition, coordination, planning and scheduling, choreography, deployment, configuration, collaboration, monitoring and control, and governance; (3) real-time cloud computing platforms and infrastructures for supporting specific application domains such as Healthcare, Green Data Centers, Large-Scale Analytics, Smart Cities, Workload Optimization Systems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope of the Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Research on real-time service-oriented architectures and applications (RTSOAA) covers multiple heterogeneous and complementary subjects such as: real-time systems, service-oriented architectures, performance modeling, analysis and tuning of virtualized service-based systems, software engineering, decision technology, etc. RTSOAA 2011 welcomes the submission of papers from researchers and practitioners in the subjects related but not limited to: 1. Real-Time Cloud Computing * Real-time cloud computing infrastructures & platforms * Software Engineering issues for real-time cloud services * Issues and challenges in engineering virtualized service-oriented cloud computing applications with real-time and performance requirements * Business-driven and model-driven real-time cloud computing * Automated service replication and elasticity techniques for guaranteeing quality of real-time cloud services * Case studies and best practices of using real-time cloud computing * Service-oriented approaches to engineering novel Operating Systems and middleware for resources publishing, discovery and management in many-core computing platforms pioneering the future and emerging platforms for real-time cloud computing * Data and event stream processing in cloud environments, large-scale continuous data processing using cloud infrastructure * Dynamic workload management in real-time cloud architectures 2. Real-Time Cyber-Physical & Smart Living Services * Leverage SOA technologies to support real-time cyber-physical services * RTSOA models for large-scale networked cyber-physical systems * Real-time discovery and composition of cyber-physical services * Semantic technologies to support real-time cyber-physical services * Quality-of-services provisioning for cyber physical systems and smart living spaces * Safety, robustness and availability issues and approaches in RTSOA based cyber-physical systems and smart living spaces * Real time cyber-physical applications deployed based on RTSOA technologies * RTSOA technologies for developing smart Living Spaces such as intelligent building and smart cities 3. Domain-Specific Real-Time Service-Oriented Applications * Real-time service-oriented modeling to support healthcare * Monitoring and managing real-time service-based healthcare systems * IT-enabled resource management (data center, supply chain etc.) * RTSOAA for intelligent transportation systems, power management, water and waste management, and carbon emission management * Real-time service-oriented infrastructures for factory automation * Real-time service-oriented infrastructures and modeling for smart cities & intelligent buildings 4. Enabling Technologies for RTSOAA * Event driven architecture for RTSOAA * Database modeling & management for RTSOAA * Policy driven management for RTSOAA * Middleware, Operating System & Infrastructure level support for RTSOAA * Scalability issues in resource management for massively parallel and distributed systems * Programming paradigms, application/OS/middlware interactions * Real-time mining, simulation & optimization * Service governance, ensuring quality of service, service level monitoring 5. Management of Real-Time Services in Virtualized Environments * Provisioning of real-time services * Managing real-time services in virtualized environments * Resource management for real-time services * Service level monitoring and service governance in virtualized environments * Case studies for real-time services in virtualized environments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Organizers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL CO-CHAIRS Kwei-Jay Lin University of California, Irvine, USA klin@uci.edu Jie Xu University of Leeds, UK jxu@comp.leeds.ac.uk PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Tommaso Cucinotta Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy cucinotta@sssup.it Josef Schiefer Vienna University of Technology, Austria js@ifs.tuwien.ac.at Luis Garces-Erice IBM Research Zurich Lab, Switzerland lga@zurich.ibm.com STEERING COMMITTEE Jun-Jang (JJ) Jeng IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA jjjeng@us.ibm.com I-Ling Yen University of Texas at Dallas, USA ilyen@utdallas.edu Wei-Tek Tsai Arizona State University, USA wtsai@asu.edu Kinji Mori Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan mori@cs.titech.ac.jp PUBLICITY CHAIR Jicheng Fu University of Central Oklahoma, USA jfu@uco.edu Wei Hao Northern Kentucky University, USA haow1@nku.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Submission Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RTSOAA welcomes the submission of full papers, short papers and position papers containing new, unpublished original research results. Full papers should present mainly accomplished results in the research areas identified above, along with a technical comparison with related work in the literature. They should have a length between 6 and 8 pages (see below for formatting instructions). Short papers usually focus on preliminary results, ideas and designs on narrowly-focused research or experimental studies. They should have a length between 4 and 6 pages. Depending on the reviewers recommendations, a full paper might be accepted as short paper only. In such a case, its length must be reduced to no more than 6 pages for the final proceedings. Finally, position papers should highlight what is (planned to be) the authors position or ideas for dealing with a specific challenging problem. Position papers are limited to 2 pages and will not appear in the official proceedings. However, their submission is highly encouraged in order to trigger fruitful discussions that may be useful for planning and driving future research directions. Each accepted paper must be presented in person by an author. Note that, in order to have the paper published in the proceedings, at least one of the authors of each accepted full or short paper must register by paying the full registration fee as a participant to the workshop. The best papers from the proceedings will be invited for submission to the special issue of a prestigious journal that will be organized specifically around the RTSOAA themes. FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS The format of submitted papers should follow the guidelines for the IEEE conference proceedings. Manuscripts will be limited to 8 pages for full papers, 6 pages for short papers and 2 pages for position papers. Page counting includes all figures, tables, and references. The format of submitted papers must follow the IEEE conference proceedings guidelines (i.e., 8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format (see ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/). All papers will be carefully reviewed by at least three reviewers. All accepted full and short papers will be published in the electronic conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index (Elsevier's Engineering Information Index), and automatically included in the IEEE Digital Library. |