The Electromagnetic Compatibility Society of Australia had organized an annual Symposium since 2002. The Symposia were single day affairs, with workshops being offered on the days before and after the event, and a table top trade display rounding up the event.
After having the event in Melbourne for 7 years in this form, in 2009 it moved to Adelaide; the Symposium was expanded to 2 days, and a two-tier paper review process was introduced. Papers already published elsewhere, but of interest to the audience, or papers of a more informational than scientific character, were accepted as before; papers that met the IEEE requirement of novelty were also submitted to the IEEE Xplore Database. This made the Symposium more attractive to some presenters and delegates from academia, while still catering for the more 'down to earth' industry representative.
This philosphy is also followed in the 2010 Symposium, which finds us again back in Melbourne, but in the new format successfully tried in Adelaide in 2009.
The 10th EMCSA Symposium will be held in Perth, WA, November 9-11, 2011. The planning has already started, and details will be posted on this website as soon as they become available. Visit again after 11 October 2010 to find more information about past Symposia and the 2011 event in Perth.