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DSLRob 2010 : 1st International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems


When Oct 22, 2010 - Oct 22, 2010
Where Taipei
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2010
Notification Due Jul 23, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 6, 2010
Categories    DSL   robots   modeling

Call For Papers


1st International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems (DSLRob’10)
October 22th, 2010, Tapei, Taiwan
Web site :

This workshop will take place in October 2010 in Taipei (台北) Taiwan, during the 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'10) :


A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language dedicated to a particular problem domain that offers specific notations and abstractions that increase programmer productivity within that domain. Models offer a high-level way for domain users to specify the functionality of their system at the right level of abstraction. DSLs and models have historically been used for programming complex systems. However recently they have garnered interest as a separate field of study. Robotic systems blend hardware and software in a holistic way that intrinsically raises many crosscutting concerns (concurrency, uncertainty, time constraints, ...), for which reason, traditional general-purpose languages often lead to a poor fit between the language features and the implementation requirements. DSLs and models offer a powerful, systematic way to overcome this problem, enabling the programmer to quickly and precisely implement novel software solutions to complex problems within the robotics domain.

The main objective of this workshop is a cross-pollination of ideas between robotics researchers in DSLs and models from different domains. DSLs and models are key elements in many robotic systems presented at leading conferences such as IROS and ICRA, but the domain-centric structure of the typical robotics conference does not offer a natural venue for exchange of ideas regarding DSLs and models. This workshop will bring together robotics researchers from different parts of the robotics community, thus forming a base for future collaboration.

This workshop will focus on the use of Domain-Specific Languages and Models for Robotic Systems. Topics that are of special interest include:
- domain-specific languages to express reactive behaviors, variability in robotic systems,
- domain-specific languages to express uncertainty, modelling of physical system, real-time constraints,
- domain-specific languages to describe cooperative robotics and modular robotics systems,
- languages to teach robotics, visual languages for robotics,
- tools support and frameworks for describing and manipulating DSLs for robotic systems,
- model-driven engineering approaches for robotic systems,
- code generation and code transformation for robotics systems,
- frameworks to combine DSLs in an uniform manner,
- benchmarks to compare use of DSL vs general-purpose programming,
- programming languages in the context of robotic systems.

Type of workshop: half-day

The intended audience is those robotics researchers throughout the entire robotics community who use DSLs and models as a key component of their robotics software infrastructure. In addition, robotics researchers with an interest in modern approaches to solving complex software-related issues will find the workshop inspirational.

Important dates

- Due date for full workshop papers submission: ***July 15th, 2010*** (extended deadline)
- Final acceptance: July 23rd, 2010
- Camera-ready paper due: August 6th, 2010
- Workshop date: October, 22th 2010 (half day workshop) during IROS'10

Submission guidelines

All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. At least two reviews for each paper will be conducted. All workshop papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the Easychair website and should use the IEEE US letter format. We are looking for submission of full research papers and experiences reports (up to 6 pages) and work in progress submissions (up to 4 pages).

Please create your account on Easychair website as soon as possible if you intend to submit a paper:


- Ulrik P. Schultz, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Serge Stinckwich, UMI UMMISCO IRD/UPMC/MSI-IFI, Vietnam
- Mikal Ziane, LIP6, France

Program committee

- Jean-Christophe Baillie, GOSTAI
- Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile, Chile
- Mirko Bordignon, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Sébastien Gerard, CEA LIST, France
- Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham, UK
- Ulrik P. Schultz, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Serge Stinckwich, UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC/MSI), Vietnam
- Mikal Ziane, LIP6, France
- Tewfik Ziadi, LIP6, France

Related Resources

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