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DSLRob 2015 : 6th International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/public/DSLRob2015 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
DSLRob 2015: 6th International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems (DSLRob-15) Website: http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/public/DSLRob2015 IROS 2015 Workshop: DSLRob-15 will take place September 28, 2015 in Hamburg (Germany), during the IROS 2015 conference. ------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------ After the overwhelming push towards the design of robotics software platforms (e.g. ROS, Orocos, SmartSoft, OpenRTM, etc.) we now need to make robotics programming and system integration as accessible as possible to application domain experts. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) and Model-driven Engineering (MDE) are emerging areas of interest in the robotics research community, which have been instrumental for resolving complex issues in a wide range of domains (e.g., AI, networked, distributed, service and modular robotics, automation, control, and vision) and have the potential for significantly facilitating how robots are programmed. A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language dedicated to a particular problem domain that offers specific notations and abstractions, which, at the same time, decrease the coding complexity and increase programmer productivity within that domain. Models offer a high-level way for domain users to specify the functionality of their system at the right level of abstraction. DSLs and models have historically been used for programming complex systems. They have however recently garnered interest as a separate field of study; this workshop investigates DSLs and models for robotics. Robotic systems blend hardware and software in a holistic way that intrinsically raises many crosscutting concerns (concurrency, uncertainty, time constraints, etc.), for which reason, traditional general-purpose languages often lead to a poor fit between the language features and the implementation requirements. DSLs and models offer a powerful, systematic way to overcome this problem. The DSLRob series of workshops is devoted to promoting the systematic use of DSLs in robotic systems; DSLRob is based on a combination of high-quality reviews and a format that ensures time for interactive discussions. ------------------ INVITED SPEAKERS ------------------ Invited talks will be given by: - Professor Herman Bruyninckx, University of Leuven, Mechanical Engineering: The current and future role of DSLs in robotics research and applications. - Dr. Markus Voelter, itemis AG Stuttgart: State of the art in language workbenches and development of DSLs for embedded software. This workshop is supported by IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Software Engineering for Robotics and Automation (TC-SOFT) ------------------ LIST OF TOPICS ------------------ The workshop will focus on the use of Domain-Specific Languages and Models for Robotic Systems. In more detail, topics that are of interest for the workshop include: - DSLs targeting specific application domains, such as service robots, automation, biomedical, autonomous vehicles (land, sea, air), and modular robots. - DSLs addressing specific technical challenges, such as system integration, AI, sensor/actuator networks, distributed and cloud robotics, perception, sensor information, human robot interaction, uncertainty, modeling of physical systems, and real-time constraints. - DSLs providing alternative programming models, such as reactive behaviors, composition of behaviors, motion description languages (MDL), and cooperative robotics. - Models to represent robotics software architectures and their variability. - Runtime models for reasoning and dynamic adaptation. - Surveys of the use of DSLs in specific subdomains of robotics. - Tool support and frameworks for describing and manipulating DSLs and models for robotic systems. - Code generation and code transformation for robotics systems. - Frameworks to combine DSLs and models in a uniform manner. - Case studies on the use of DSLs in advanced robotics systems. - Benchmarks to compare the use of DSLs versus the use of general-purpose programming languages. - Programming languages in the context of robotic systems, such as dynamic languages, languages to teach robotics, and visual languages. ------------------ INTENDED AUDIENCE ------------------ The intended audience is those robotics researchers throughout the entire robotics community who use DSLs and models as a key component of their robotics software infrastructure. In addition, robotics researchers with an interest in modern approaches to solving complex software-related issues will find the workshop inspirational. ------------------ SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES ------------------ All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. At least two reviews for each paper will be conducted. All workshop papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the EasyChair website and should use the IEEE US letter format. We are looking for submission of full research papers and experiences reports (up to 8 pages) and work in progress submissions (up to 4 pages). Please create your account on Easy Chair website as soon as possible if you intend to submit a paper: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dslrob2015 ------------------ IMPORTANT DATES ------------------ The schedule is as follows: - August 15th, 2015 at midnight PDT (Pacific Daylight Time): Deadline for workshop papers submission - September 7th, 2015: Paper acceptance notification - September 21st, 2015: Pre-camera ready submission As is the case for previous DSLRob workshops, formal post-workshop proceedings will be permanently stored on the publicly available site arxiv.org. ------------------ WORKSHOP SCHEDULE ------------------ The workshop includes the invited talks by Prof. Herman Bruyninckx and Dr. Markus Voelter, paper presentation sessions, as well as reports from RAS TC-SOFT, the euRobotics Topic Group on Software Systems Engineering, and the "DSL Zoo" initiative on a classification on DSLs in robotics. --------------- ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE ----------------- Christian Schlegel, Fakultät Informatik, Hochschule Ulm, Germany Ulrik P. Schultz, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Serge Stinckwich, UMI UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC), France Sebastian Wrede, Bielefeld University, Germany Program committee: TBA Contact: Please contact Ulrik Pagh Schultz (ups@mmmi.sdu.dk) for further enquiries about this workshop. -- Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark ups@mmmi.sdu.dk - http://www.sdu.dk/ansat/ups |