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DYROS 2010 : International Workshop on Dynamic languages for RObotic and Sensors systems


When Nov 15, 2010 - Nov 18, 2010
Where Darmstadt
Submission Deadline Oct 8, 2010
Notification Due Oct 15, 2010
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2010
Categories    robotics   dynamic languages   simpar

Call For Papers

Title : International Workshop on Dynamic languages for RObotic and
Sensors systems (DYROS)

Description :

These days, dynamic languages (like JavaScript, Lua, Lisp, Python,
Smalltalk, etc, …) are getting more and more popular. Dynamic
programming language is a term used broadly in computer science to
describe a class of high-level programming languages that execute at
runtime many common behaviors that other languages might perform
during compilation, if at all: new classes may be created, new modules
may appear, software can be adapted very easily to new situation or
needs, etc. Most of the time, these languages are also dynamically
typed, which some static typing advocates consider a drawback.
However, according to advocates of dynamic programming languages, the
flexibility of dynamic languages offsets these drawbacks, and even
provides advantages so considerable as to make this an essential
feature, for example for interactive programming or scripting of
complex distributed systems. Dynamic languages features (like
reflection, dynamic reconfigurability, scripting facilities, software
adaptation, etc.) are almost essential to develop certain applications
related to robotics and sensors systems where hardware and software
are deeply mixed together. The main goal of this workshop is to be
able to discuss about the advantages of using dynamic languages (like
Lisp, Python, Urbi, Smalltalk, …) for controlling and simulating
robotic system (and also sensors system).

Some examples of existing robotics products based on dynamic
programming languages includes: URBIScript an orchestration language
for robotics systems, ROS (Robot Operating Systems), heavily based on
Python  and Pyro (Python Robotics), a project designed to create
easy-to-use interface for accessing and controlling a wide variety of
real and simulated robots.

Topics of interest included but is not limited to:
- domain-specific languages for robotics and sensors networks embedded
in dynamic languages,
- using dynamic languages facilities for simulation purpose,
- scripting complex sensors and robotics systems with dynamic languages,
- robotics libraries based on dynamic languages programming languages,
- embedded VM and object models suitable for dynamic languages needs.

All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical
quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. At least two reviews
for each paper will be conducted.
We are looking for submission of full research papers and experiences
reports (up to 6 pages) and work in progress submissions (up to 4

Important dates
Due date for full workshop papers submission: October 1st 2010
Final acceptance: October 15th 2010
Camera-ready paper due: November 1st 2010
Workshop date: 15 or 16 November 2010

Serge Stinckwich, IRD, Vietnam

Prospective Program Committee
- Jean-Christophe Baillie, GOSTAI
- Noury Bouraqadi, ENSM-DOUAI, France
- Brian Gerkey, Willow Garage, USA
- Sylvain Joyeux, DFKI, Germany
- Serge Stinckwich, IRD, Vietnam

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