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INFORMATIK 2011 : Workshop Service Communities


When Oct 4, 2011 - Oct 7, 2011
Where Berlin, Germany
Submission Deadline May 1, 2011
Notification Due May 23, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2011
Categories    services   grid   cloud computing   information systens

Call For Papers

Workshop Service Communities

Motivation and Goals
Service Communities encompass all commercial or social groups of actors who exchange services. The provisioning and composition of services within the community creates added value that would not be achieved by single actors. Service communities may appear as service value networks which can provide complex services. Other forms are service parks which are governed by a central authority that ensures interoperability, or service clubs which support the collaboration of commercial and non-commercial communities for specific projects. In addition to the organisation of service communities, the technical concept and realization is highly important. Based on service-oriented architectures, community-specific extensions are developed in order to meet the functional and non-functional requirements of the community members. Grid or cloud infrastructures are used to support the scalability of community platforms and provided services for ensuring availability and performance of services.

Starting from this understanding of service communities, the workshop aims at investigating two perspectives. Technical aspects for the realization of service communities as well as non-technical aspects like incentive mechanisms shall be discussed. The goal of the workshop is the presentation of innovative research results and the exchange of ideas and approaches for the development of service communities.

The workshop is supported by the BMBF project ValueGrids.

The workshop solicits contributions in the following areas:

Organisation and management of service communities
-Creation of service communities
-Life cycle of service communities
-Evolution of service communities
-Models for management and sustainability of service communities
-Dynamic aspects within service communities

Classification of service communities, e.g.
-Service Value Networks
-Service Parks
-Service Clubs

Social aspects in service communities
-Services between commercial and non-commercial communities
-Incentives for the creation of service communities and collaboration within

Technical aspects in service communities
-Usage and extensions of service-oriented architectures
-Engineering methodologies for service communities

Non-functional aspects in service communities
-Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
-Interoperability of services
-Monitoring of services

Infrastructures for service communities
-Platforms and middlewares
-Grid and cloud infrastructures
-Dynamic adjustments and scalability

Domain-specific service communities, e.g.

Case studies
-Industrial case studies
-Research prototypes
-Empirical analyses

The workshop is targeted at researchers and practioneers alike with interest in organisational, economical and technical aspects of service communities. Related areas like service science and information management are addressed as well. The workshop aims at knowlegde transfer and further development of service communities.

Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished contributions in English or German language. Accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings of "Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)" and have to be formatted accordingly in LNI format. The size of the contribution should be between 6 and 10 pages. For submission, please us the the EasyChair conference system.

Registration for the Informatik 2011 conference and presentation of the contribution during the workshop is a prerequisite for publication.

Organisation committee
Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Frank Schulz, SAP Research Karlsruhe

Program committee
Ivona Brandic, Technical University Vienna
Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Weiping Li, Peking University, China
André Ludwig, University Leipzig
Dirk Neumann, University Freiburg
Daniel Rolli, Conemis AG Karlsruhe
Frank Schulz, SAP Research Karlsruhe
Wei Tan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Philipp Wieder, Technical University Dortmund

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