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CS-TIW 2011 : Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop


When Jul 25, 2011 - Jul 29, 2011
Where Derby, UK
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2011
Categories    conceptual structures   formal concept analysis   knowledge representation   linked data

Call For Papers

The focus of the workshop is on the development of tools for Conceptual Structures such as Formal Concept Analysis and Conceptual Graphs. The goal of this workshop is to explore how to improve the interoperability of conceptual structures tools and their ability to process real-world data.

This year's workshop provides two data sets which participants are encouraged to use for their papers: a Wikipedia data set and a bio-informatics data set. In both cases the data are available in a variety of formats including as linked data. We would like to see papers that extract conceptual structures from either one of the data sets. A discussion of using conceptual structures with linked data would be of particular interest, but the focus could also be on algorithms, visualisation, building on-line interfaces, interoperability or other aspects. Tool-oriented papers that do not use the data sets are also acceptable but we encourage authors to use some of the data.

The proceedings will be published on-line and possibly also in print to be distributed at the conference. If there are sufficient interesting contributions for one of the data sets, we intend to look for a suitable journal for post-conference publication.

Paper Submission: Papers are limited to 10 pages in Springer's LNCS format and are to be submitted via EasyChair.

Workshop Organisers:

Uta Priss, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Siu-wai Leung, University of Macau
Madalina Croitoru, LIRMM (Univ Montpellier II and CNRS), France
Harry Delugach, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
Adil Kabbaj, INSEA, Rabat, Morocco
Aswani Kumar Cherukuri, VIT University, India
Heather D. Pfeiffer, New Mexico State University, USA

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