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P2P-RDM 2011 : International Workshop on Resource Discovery Mechanisms for P2P Systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://hpc.isti.cnr.it/p2p-rdm/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
International Workshop on Resource Discovery Mechanisms for P2P Systems (P2P-RDM) [ http://hpc.isti.cnr.it/p2p-rdm ]
Co-located with the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2011) August, 31st – September, 2nd 2011 Pafos (Paphos), Cyprus IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------- Paper submission deadline: **** Extended to May, 1st **** Notification of acceptance: May, 15th Camera ready deadline: May, 31st Workshop date: August, 31st - September, 2nd AIMS AND TOPICS OF INTEREST: ---------------------------- In the last years Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing has emerged as a milestone in distributed computing. It enables large-scale aggregation of resources (e.g. files, applications, services, storage, processing cycles and services) geographically distributed and belonging to unrelated administrative domains. P2P computing is characterized by the presence of an equivalent set of nodes, peers, able to self-organize and to share a set of distributed resources within the network. Despite the results obtained by many researchers on theoretical and application aspects, the advancing in ICT poses many challenges in terms of protocols, infrastructures, secure and efficient access and allocation of resources, fault tolerance, scalability and performance. Particular interest has been expressed on resource discovery, in which an important aspect is the expressiveness in the selection criteria of resources. Being able to select in efficient way a set of resources that meet specific criteria is a requirement of many systems and applications such as Grid systems and online-gaming applications. This workshop will focus on new methods and algorithms to efficiently and effectively access data distributed over large-scale P2P overlay networks. The workshop particularly encourages papers that address these aspects as well as papers presenting novel architectural solution for these systems. However, more broadly, papers are solicited on any topic related to P2P computing, including the topics listed below. - P2P for Grids, Clouds, and Datacenters - Publishing, Searching and Query Processing - Overlay Networks - Self-organization - Performance, robustness, and scalability - Trust, Integration and Security - Epidemic protocols and algorithms - Mobile P2P computing ORGANIZATION: ------------- Workshop Chairs * Laura Ricci, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa E-mail: ricci@di.unipi.it * Ranieri Baraglia, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy E-mail: ranieri.baraglia@isti.cnr.it Workshop Organizers * Patrizio Dazzi, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy E-mail: patrizio.dazzi@isti.cnr.it * Matteo Mordacchini, IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy E-mail: matteo.mordacchini@iit.cnr.it SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ------------------------ Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop. The length of the papers should not exceed 6 pages, including figures and references. Authors must use the IEEE template for Conference Proceedings to prepare their submission. Documentation and style files (Word, LaTeX) can be found at the IEEE site. Papers should be submitted using the EasyChair website of the workshop: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=p2prdm PROCEEDINGS: ------------ Accepted papers of the P2P-RDM workshop will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and indexed in the IEEE Digital Library. According to the number and the quality of the submitted papers, a selection of them would be published on a special issue of the Future Generation Computing Systems journal. TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: ---------------------------- Amitabha Bagchi, IIT Massimo Coppola, ISTI-CNR Paolo Costa, Imperial College London Franca Delmaestro, IIT-CNR Dick H.J. Epema, University of Delft Stefano Ferretti, University of Bologna Vivi Fragopoulou, FORTH-ICS Pedro Garcia Lopez, University Rovira i Virgili Nazli Goharian, Georgetown University Mark Jelasity, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Szeged Miroslaw Korzeniowski, University of Technology Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology Aleksandra Kovacevic, TU Darmstadt Nicolas Le Scouarnec, Technicolor Rennes Claudio Lucchese, ISTI-CNR Victor Malyshkin, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gianluca Moro, University of Bologna Alberto Montresor, University of Trento Salvatore Orlando, University of Venice Marcelo Pasin, University of Lisbon Raffaele Perego, ISTI-CNR Marinho Pilla Barcellos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Etienne Riviere, University of Neuchatel Marco Roccetti, University of Bologna Fabrizio Silvestri, ISTI-CNR Giandomenico Spezzano, ICAR-CNR Domenico Talia, University of Calabria Paolo Trunfio, University of Calabria |