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GeoDBIS 2011 : 1st International Workshop on Geometric Objects in Databases and Information Systems


When Sep 19, 2011 - Sep 23, 2011
Where Vienna, Austria
Abstract Registration Due Apr 2, 2011
Submission Deadline Apr 9, 2011
Notification Due May 24, 2011
Final Version Due Jun 24, 2011
Categories    databases   geometrics

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Geometric Objects in Databases and Information Systems (GeoDBIS) co-located with ADBIS 2011 (15th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases & Information Systems)

September 19-23, 2011, Vienna, Austria

In recent years, there are increasing demands from applications to store, process and manage geometric objects. Applications that use geometric objects include geographical information system (GIS), environmental management, urban planning, transportation, land use management, CAD-CAM, architecture science, visual perception and autonomous navigation, tracking and medical imaging. The GeoDBIS workshop tries to bring together researchers in the areas of data and information systems who work on aspects of geometric objects. In particular, the workshop seeks original contributions and practical experiences of modeling, managing and utilizing geometric objects in databases and information systems, fostering interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of handling geometric objects in databases and information systems. Topics of research papers can be the following:

* Spatial-temporal data modeling
* Spatial services modeling
* Spatial data infrastructures, interoperability, and standards
* Spatial data mining and statistics
* Spatial decision making
* Semi-structured geometric data modeling and reasoning
* Data-intensive geographic information systems
* Geometric information integration in data and knowledge bases
* Knowledge discovery in geometric data and information systems
* Logical and mathematical foundations of semantics
* Semantics in geo-spatial data-intensive applications
* Semantic web and spatial data applications
* Ontologies for spatial information systems

The workshop theme is linked to the main ADBIS conference, but more specific. Furthermore, as we intend to produce post-conference journal, it will give the opportunity to participants to contribute work that is still in progress to some degree. Furthermore, the workshop format puts more emphasis on discussions.

Authors are cordially invited to submit original research papers in PDF using the electronic submission system, which is available at

All initial submissions have to be in PDF format. The final submissions have to be in LaTeX format, alternatively in Rich Text Format (RTF). The paper must be formatted according to LNCS style, which can be found at the Springer LNCS website. The length of the final camera-ready version will be strictly limited to 16 pages in LNCS style; paper submissions should not exceed 18 pages using this style.

Simultaneous submission to any other conference, workshop or journal is strictly excluded. In case a double submission is discovered, the corresponding paper will immediately be rejected.

It is intended to publish the best accepted papers in a Springer LNCS workshop volume dedicated to ADBIS 2011. All other accepted papers of the workshop will be included in additional proceedings published in CEUR-Workshop proceedings. The targeted acceptance rate is 30 %.
Program Committee Chairs

* Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
* Hui Ma, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
* Bernhard Thalheim, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany

Publicity Chair:

* René Noack, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany

Program Committee

* Alia I. Abdelmoty, UK
* Spiridon Bakiras, USA
* Peter Baumann, Germany
* Elena Camossi, Ireland
* Christophe Claramunt, France
* Eliseo Clementini, Italy
* Padraig Corcoran, Ireland
* Clodoveu Davis, Brazil
* Rainer Duttmann, Germany
* Sven Hartmann, Germany
* Hui Ma, New Zealand
* Rene Noack, Germany
* Emmanuel Stefanakis, Greece
* Bernhard Thalheim, Germany
* Nancy Wiegand, USA

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