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Doctoral Mentoring Program @ ECSA 2016 : Doctoral Mentoring Program at the European Conference on Software Architecture


When Nov 28, 2016 - Dec 2, 2016
Where Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission Deadline Oct 7, 2016
Notification Due Oct 14, 2016
Final Version Due Oct 21, 2016
Categories    software architecture

Call For Papers


28 November - 2 December, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

ECSA 2016 organizes a doctoral mentoring program that is intended for Ph.D. students both in early and advanced stages of their research. This program will provide an opportunity for students to interact closely with established researchers in their fields, receive feedback on their work and get advice on managing their research.

The goals of the doctoral mentoring program are:
*To match each student with an established researcher in the community (who will act as a mentor). The mentor will interact closely with the student, provide feedback on research, and help the student form new contacts.
*To allow students an opportunity to present their work to a friendly audience of other students as well as mentors.
*To provide students with new contacts and networking opportunities.

The doctoral mentoring program will provide opportunities for interactions between mentors and their mentees during the conference and the doctoral symposium day.

We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students both at early and advanced stages of their research within the field of software architecture. Based on the submissions, the organizing committee will select a group of students that will be invited to participate in the program. Participants will be expected to take active part in all doctoral mentoring program activities. A beneficial registration fee will apply for doctoral students that participate in the program.

Each submission should include a set of documents from the student and a recommendation letter from the advisor. The submission package consists of:
1. A two-page extended abstract of the student's thesis (accepted extended abstracts will be published in the ACM Digital Library and must follow the ACM format and submission guidelines:
2. A personal statement (one page) that includes:
a. The institute of study
b. The area of study (provide 1-3 keywords)
c. Two or three names of suggested mentors
3. A short (2-page) resume (CV)
4. A recommendation letter from the advisor (to be submitted by the advisor).
Submissions and recommendation letters needs to be send to

October 7, 2016: Submission package due
October 14, 2016: Acceptance notification
October 21, 2016: Camera-ready deadline
November 29, 2016: Doctoral symposium day (planned)

For questions, please contact the doctoral mentoring chair:
Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Linnaeus University Sweden,

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