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BSME 2011 : International Workshop on Business Systems Management & Engineering


When Jun 29, 2011 - Jun 29, 2011
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Apr 21, 2011
Notification Due Jun 1, 2011
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2011
Categories    software engineering   business process management   cloud computing   service computing

Call For Papers

Business Process Management (BPM) has emerged as both a management
principle and a suite of software technologies for business processes life-cycle management. Business goals and objectives are expressed in the definition of business processes, which are deployed, executed, monitored, analyzed, changed and redeployed. BPM brings value to an enterprise as the proactive management of business processes can increase the efficiency, agility and effectiveness of organizations.

With the move to software services and cloud-based deployments, the trend in
BPM will be to move from a relatively static to a much more dynamic perspective, where business process interactions are closely examined to understand much more accurately their operations. This brings requirements for more granular application monitoring and management techniques that can be applied to various entities in a business process, such as business data, events, operations and process fragments. Individual and aggregated QoS and KPIs can guarantee a continuous and cohesive information flow and correlation of end-to-end process properties.

The interface of software services and cloud computing provides a rich area
for research and experience to combine and provide unique insights into how BPM can be achieved in practice.

We invite the submission of high-quality papers describing original and significant work in all areas of Business Systems Management & Engineering, including theoretical work, research in BPM, empirical studies and reports on industrial experience. We especially welcome papers describing developments in cloud-enabled BPM and all related areas, such as deployment techniques, business models for cloud-based enterprises and experience reports from practitioners.

Workshop topics include, but are not restricted to:

* Business transaction engineering
* Event-driven architectures
* Model management for service systems
* Simulation and optimization of service systems
* Business service analysis and design
* Service governance and compliance
* Open source for Business Process Management
* Smart service-networks
* Cloud based service networks
* BPM and cloud computing
* Service-enabled business processes
* QoS for service applications and networks
* Enterprise architectures for service systems
* Best practice and experience report in BPM


Francesco Lelli, European institute of Service Science
Michael Parkin, European institute of Service Science

* Boris Moltchanov. Telecom Italia, Italy.
* Anne-Marie Sassen. European Commission, Belgium.
* Sergio Andreozzi. European Grid Infrastructure, Netherlands.
* Chi Chi Hung. Tsinghua University, China
* Mike Papazoglou. European Research Institute in Service Science, Netherlands
* Paul Maglio. IBM Research Almaden, USA
* Patricia Lago. VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Jos van Hillegersberg. University of Twente, Netherlands
* Stefan Tai. IBM Watson Research Center (Hawthorne), USA
* Willem-Jan van den Heuvel. European Research Institute in Service Science, Netherlands
* Esperanza Marcos. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
* Steve Strauch. Universität Stuttgart, Germany
* Imed Hammouda. Tampere University of Technology, Finland
* Olaf Zimmerman. IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
* Cesare Pautasso. University of Lugano, Switzerland
* Athman Bouguettaya. CSIRO, Australia
* Uwe Riss. SAP Research Karlsruhe, Germany
* Salima Benbernou. Université Paris Descartes, France
* Maria Valeria de Castro. Universidad Ray Juan Carlos, Spain
* Z. Max Shen. UC Berkeley, USA
* Manuel Carro. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
* Leszek Maciaszek. University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poland and Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
* Slinger Jansen. Utrecht University, Netherlands
* Ernesto Damiani. Milan University, Italy
* Joerg Niemoeller. Ericsson, Germany
* Fabio Calefato. University of Bari, Italy
* Axel Spriestersbach. SAP Research, Germany

The proceedings of BSME 2011 will be published after camera-ready copies have been received as an edition in the Springer-Verlag Service Science sub-series

Papers submitted to the Workshop must not have been published in or submitted to other technical conferences/journals.

Manuscripts should be limited to 15 pages in the Springer LNCS Proceedings

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