In January 2012, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will be publishing a themed issue entitled Developments in gynaecological oncology. This special issue will be edited by BJOG Scientific Editors: Pierre Martin-Hirsch and Raj Naik and Guest Editors: Jonathan Ledermann, Robert E Bristow and Nick Reed.
We are interested in receiving original research articles, opinion generating commentaries and systematic reviews on all aspects of gynaecological oncology including basic science, epidemiology, diagnostic techniques, therapies, patient orientated outcomes and holistic approaches to patient wellbeing.
Once you have followed our instructions for authors: and finalised your manuscript, please go to to login and submit, advising your interest in the theme issue in your covering letter and in the online submission form.
The submission deadline is the 31 May 2011. If you have any queries, please contact: BJOG Managing Editor, Emily Jesper. Tel: +44 (0) 207 772 6236. Email: