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HUST 2015 : Second Annual Workshop on HPC User Support Tools


When Nov 20, 2015 - Nov 20, 2015
Where Austin, TX
Submission Deadline Aug 14, 2015
Notification Due Oct 1, 2015
Final Version Due Oct 8, 2015
Categories    HPC   user support   tools   environment

Call For Papers

HUST 2015

Second Annual Workshop on HPC User Support Tools
Held in conjunction with SC15, in cooperation with SIGHPC.
November 20, 2015, Austin, TX, USA.

Call For Papers
Supercomputing centers exist to drive scientific discovery by
supporting researchers in computational science fields. To make users
more productive in the complex HPC environment, HPC centers employ
user support teams. These teams serve many roles, from setting up
accounts, to consulting on math libraries and code optimization, to
managing HPC software stacks. Adequately supporting scientists can
often be a struggle for the support teams. HPC environments are
extremely complex, and combined with the complexity of multi-user
installations, exotic hardware, and maintaining research software,
supporting HPC users can be extremely demanding. Meeting all of these
competing demands of the scientist often results in the creation of
new tools and establishment of new policies and best practices.

With the second HUST workshop, we will continue to provide a necessary
forum for system administrators, user support team members, tool
developers, policy makers and end users to discuss support issues. We
solicit papers on user support experiences, best practices, tools, and
any efforts to streamline support at supercomputing centers.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Defining and customising the user environment
* Software build and installation tools
* Tools and frameworks for using performance analysis tools
* Workflow and pipeline tools
* Collaboration tools
* Novel environments: cloud, etc.
* Tools and frameworks for supporting Hadoop and Big Data
* Establishing baseline configuration efforts for HPC
* Software development/system testing
* Documentation: creating, maintaining and updating

We invite authors to submit original, high-quality work with
sufficient background material to be clear to the HPC
community. Papers should be submitted in PDF format and should not
exceed 10 pages including tables, figures and appendices, but
excluding references. They should be formatted according to the ACM
SIG Proceedings format. Similar to the SC15 policy, margins and font
sizes should not be modified. We kindly refer authors to the necessary

All submissions should be made electronically through the EasyChair
website. Submissions must be double blind, i.e., authors should remove
their names, institutions or hints found in references to earlier
work. When discussing past work, they need to refer to themselves in
the third person, as if they were discussing another researcher’s
work. Furthermore, authors must identify any conflict of interest with
the PC chair or PC members.

Proceedings will be published in both IEEE Xplore and the ACM Digital
library through collaboration with ACM SIGHPC.

Important Dates
* Submission deadline: August 14
* Workshop paper reviews due: September 21
* Acceptance notifications: October 1
* Camera-ready papers: October 8
* Workshop: November 20, at SC15. 8:30AM - 12:00PM.

More Information
Further details, as well as a link to the submission site, can be
found at the HUST'15 website:

Also, be sure to visit the SC15 site at

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