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ISAAC Nordic 2012 : ISAAC Nordic Research Symposium


When Oct 23, 2012 - Oct 23, 2012
Where Lund, Sweden
Submission Deadline Aug 27, 2012
Categories    AAC   assistive technologies   accessibility

Call For Papers

ISAAC Nordic Research Symposium 2012
Lund, Tuesday October 23 2012
Location: Certec, Department of Design Sciences, Sölvegatan 26, Lund
Conference language: English

Call for papers
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in this second ISAAC Nordic Research Symposium, to be held in Lund, the day before the one-day conference and exhibition Certec Informerar. The first ISAAC Nordic Symposium was held in Gothenburg in May 2011 and gathered 33 participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. There it was decided that the symposium should be held annually and move between the Nordic countries, but that the second one also should be held in Sweden.

The purpose of the conference is to further research and development within the field of AAC in the Nordic countries, and to promote information exchange and collaboration between researchers, graduate students and experts in the field.
You are invited to send in an abstract regarding research and development on any topic of relevance for the field of AAC. We want your abstract by August 27. Some of you may need confirmation of acceptance before that date, in order to seek funding for your travel costs. That can be arranged if you send in your abstract early and ask for early confirmation.
Send your abstract to
Welcome with your abstract!
Bitte Rydeman and Per-Olof Hedvall
on behalf of ISAAC Sweden

Preliminary program

09.00 – 10.00 Registration, coffee, fruit.
10.00 – 10.50 Key Note: Mats Granlund. Aiming towards functioning in interventions -
ICF applications for AAC.
11.00 – 12.30 Parallel seminars
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch.
14.00 – 15.30 Parallel seminars
15.30 – 16.30 Coffee, fruit.
16.30 – 17.15 Closing: Future Directions

Important dates:
August 27 Deadline for abstracts.
September 10 Confirmation to presenters.
September 15 Deadline for registration to the symposium by presenters.
October 1 Deadline for registration to the symposium by other participants.
October 23 ISAAC Nordic Research Symposium.
October 24 Certec informerar (presentations held in Swedish).

Call for papers – Instruction to authors
Write your abstract in English and send in your abstract before August 27 to Bitte Rydeman at
The preliminary format is 15 minutes oral presentation + 10 minutes for questions and discussion. The abstracts will be evaluated by a program committee that will look for relevance, novelty and contribution to the field.
The members of the program committee are: Ulrika Ferm, Janna Ferreira, Per-Olof Hedvall, Bitte Rydeman, Gunilla Thunberg and Jenny Wilder.

Other information about the conference

Information about the conference will be posted on ISAAC Sweden’s web site, and be updated as soon as we have new information about the program, registration or other important issues.
The Research Symposium will be free of cost. Participants will have to pay for their lunch on site. The participants will be invited to a conference dinner on the evening of October 23, which will have to be paid for at the restaurant.
The next day, October 24, there is an Info Day at Certec, “Certec informerar”, which is also free. This is a day with exhibitions and seminars around rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology and design for people with disabilities regarding vision, communication and cognition. The researchers at Certec will present their current work, and researchers and practitioners from other places are invited to present as well. Learn more about Certec informerar at
For additional information you can contact Bitte Rydeman at

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