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Hallmarks of Cancer 2012 : Cell Symposia: Hallmarks of Cancer


When Oct 29, 2012 - Oct 31, 2012
Where San Francisco, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 13, 2012
Categories    cancer

Call For Papers

There has been tremendous progress in understanding key aspects of cancer, such as the impact of genomic instability, the unique mechanisms that cancer cells use to sustain their growth, and the role of stromal cells in promoting tumor growth and dissemination. This improved knowledge has led to the development of many new cancer therapeutics, several of which are already in clinical use. The aim of the Hallmarks of Cancer Symposium is to highlight recent exciting advances by bringing together key leaders in the field and to facilitate the translation of basic research discoveries into improvements in cancer treatment.

Session topics will include:
•cancer genomics/genomic instability
•cancer stem cells/ tumor-initiating cells
•abnormal growth, metabolism, and apoptosis
•the tumor microenvironment

We are pleased to invite abstract submissions for poster presentations.

Each abstract should consist of a single paragraph of fewer than 150 words. It should clearly convey the central advance and the significance of the work. In particular, the abstract should contain a brief background of the question, a description of the results without extensive experimental detail, and a summary of the significance of the findings. Please do not include references, figures, or tables. All abstracts will be reviewed by the organizers and a limited number may be selected for short talks.

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