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AST 2011 : Analyzing short texts: Soft computing and other approaches | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://wilf2011.di.uniba.it | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
== call for papers
== == Analyzing short texts: Soft computing and other approaches == == special session of the == International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications == Trani (Italy), August 29-31, 2011 == http://wilf2011.di.uniba.it Modern communication is increasingly centered on the exchange of shorter and shorter messages. For instance, SMS messages must fit into a 140-characters limit, and so do Twitter's tweets. Results from web search engines are summarized by short snippets, which often carry all the requested information, avoiding a visit to the actual, referred page. But even when no external constraint is imposed, texts tend to become shorter and more up to the point, simply to avoid wasting time and effort. As these examples clearly indicate, the field of natural language processing and interpretation is in need of efficient techniques to tackle this kind of problems. Traditionally, analysis of natural language texts assumes that several properties can be inferred by statistical considerations. Such is the case, for instance, for tf-idf weighting, where frequencies are lightheartedly assumed to stand for probabilities proper, due to the abundance of terms in the documents of a given collection. Another instance is provided by language detection, which is obviously easier for longer texts allowing, e.g., grammatical or structural analysis. When removing some of these assumptions, uncertainty grows, and so does the need for methods that take it into account explicitly. This session is therefore devoted to advances in methods that do not make large-sample assumptions, and instead take the challenge to tackle the uncertainty that arises in the analysis of short text segments. Submissions describing soft-computing approaches to the above problems, as well as works blurring the border between different approaches, are especially welcome. We are interested, for instance (but not exclusively), in works dealing with the following topics: - Extracting knowledge from short communications (SMS, Twitter, etc.) - Identification of changes in language, topic and context within text paragraphs - Language identification in multilingual text fragments - Categorization of text snippets - Word sense disambiguation in short texts Submit your paper directly at http://wilf2011.di.uniba.it/index.php/submission. Please select “Special Session on Analyzing short texts”. Papers will go through the same peer reviewing process as the rest of contributed papers. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings (Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI) submission: extended deadline February 4, 2011 review results February 21, 2011 final version and registration March 15, 2011 workshop August 29-31, 2011 GIRPR Prize: The Italian Group of Italian Researchers in Pattern Recognition (GIRPR) will award a young researcher for the best paper presented at WILF 2011. The award will consist of a €500 grant and a two-years subscription to GIRPR. The selection of the winner will be made by the general chairs of WILF 2011. keynote speaker Roberto Navigli, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy (tentative, to be confirmed) organizers Stefano Rovetta, University of Genova, Italy - ste@disi.unige.it Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain - prosso@dsic.upv.es special session experts Mikhail Alexandrov, Univ. Autónoma Barcelona, Spain Pierpaolo Basile, Univ. degli Studi di Bari, Italy Roberto Basili, Univ. di Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy Dasha Bogdanova, Saint Petersburg University, Russia Davide Buscaldi, Univ. d'Orléans, France Leticia Cagnina, Univ. Nacional San Luis, Argentina Roxana Danger, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Mirko Degli Esposti, Univ. di Bologna, Italy Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Univ. di Padova, Italy Marcelo Errecalde, Univ. Nacional San Luis, Argentina Pamela Forner, CELCT, Italy Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, IBM Watson, USA Lidia Moreno, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Alessandro Moschitti, Univ. di Trento, Italy Marco Pennacchiotti, Yahoo! Labs, Santa Clara, USA Emanuele Pianta, CELCT, Italy David Pinto, Ben. Univ. Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico Antonio Reyes, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Grigori Sidorov, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico Marco Turchi, EU Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy Luís Villaseñor, INAOE-Puebla, Mexico Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, Univ. di Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy |