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UCAmI & IWAAL 2014 : International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence & International Work-Conference on Ambient Assisted Living | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://scm.ulster.ac.uk/~scmresearch/SERG/ucamiiwaal2014/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
************************************************************************************** 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2014) 6th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2013) ************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************** Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 2-5, 2014 http://serg.ulster.ac.uk/ucamiiwaal2014/ ************************************************************************************** Selected papers will be published in the following journals: ------------------------------------------------------------ - Sensors Journal (IF = 1.953) - Journal of Medical Systems (IF = 1.783) - International Journal of Computers and Technology (More Journals to be announced) Important dates: ---------------- Paper submission: June 2, 2014 Notification of acceptance: August 18, 2014 Camera-ready version: September 19, 2014 Conference dates: December 2-5, 2014 Conference background & goals: ------------------------------ The paradigm of Ubiquitous Computing as originally envisioned by Weiser in 1991, has recently evolved into a more general paradigm referred to as Ambient Intelligence (AmI). AmI represents a new generation of user-centred computing environments which aim to find new and innovative ways to obtain an improved level of integration of information technology into everyday life, devices and user activities. AmI environments relate to the integration of several autonomous computational devices ranging from consumer electronics to mobile phones. Ideally, those within an AmI environment will not be aware of these devices, however, they will benefit from the services which they provide. Devices embedded within the environment are aware of the people present and subsequently react to their gestures, actions and context. Recently, the interest in AmI has grown considerably due to new challenges posed by society, demanding highly innovative services such as vehicular ad hoc networks, Ambient Assisted Living, e-Health, Internet of Things and Home Automation, to name but a few. The main focus of this edition of the UCAmI Conference will be "Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence: Personalisation and user adapted services". Meanwhile, the edition of the IWAAL Conference will be focused on "Ambient Assisted Living and Activities of Daily Living". Topics of interest: ------------------ ........ UCAmI ........ Human Interaction in Ambient Intelligence * Human-Centric Interfaces for AmI environments (multi-modal, touch computing, NFC, 2D codes) * Context- and Location-aware Frameworks and Sensing (context modelling, user-adaptability, automatic-generation of user interfaces, sentient computing, knowledge-based approach, affective and social interfaces) * Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality * Smart-object based interaction, persuasive computing and Tangible Interactions. * Ubiquitous and Ambient Displays Environments, Wall Displays, Urban Displays, Multi-screen Environments. * Detection and Support for collaboration, User Intentions and Activity Recognition, Analysis of Psychological User States * Digital TV-based interfaces ICT instrumentation and Middleware support for Smart Environments and Objects * Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) * RFID and 2-D codes for real-world labelling * Smart Sensors * Wearable Computing * Custom made internet-connected objects * Semantic Middleware Infrastructure (Semantic Web, OSGi, DLNA, DPWS, Home automation standards) * Mining techniques to mobile and sensor data * Contextualised analysis of social and information networks Adding intelligence for Environment Adaptation * Knowledge Representation and Management for user and environment modelling and understanding (Ontologies, Semantic Web, Logic, Expert Systems Multi-agents) * Autonomic Computing, Responsive and Proactive Systems and Dynamic Reconfiguration * Ontologies for user and environment modelling and understanding * Learning, Reasoning and Adaptation Techniques over context models. Collaborative Smart objects * Linked Open Data applied to Smart Environments Key application domains for Ambient Intelligence * Social Robotics * Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) ........ IWAAL ........ Human-Computer Interaction in AAL environments * Ubiquitous and Mobile Interfaces * Multi-modal Interaction * Virtual and Augmented Reality * Sensor, agent, vision and robot based Interfaces Platforms for the delivery of AAL * Ambient Intelligence for AAL * Context-Awareness in Assistive Environments * Persuasive Computing * Activity modelling and recognition * Behaviour Analysis * Middleware Architectures for AAL * Interoperability and standards * Security and data management Sensing and Monitoring solutions within AAL * Ubiquitous and pervasive sensing systems * Wearable technologies * Wireless sensor networks in AAL * Telehealth, telecare and telemonitoring * Activity monitoring and assessment * Vital Signs monitoring in AAL Case studies of AAL in Application Environments * Smart Homes * Residential Homes * Living Labs * Workplace Paper Submission: ---------------- UCAmI-IWAAL invites high quality contributions describing significant, original and unpublished results for submission in the following categories: * Long papers: Intended to allow presentation of academic research results of high quality. Submissions must contain an original contribution and may not have already been published in another forum, nor be subject to review for other conferences or publications. Contributions should include unpublished results of research, case studies or experiences that provide new evidence about the research or application regarding to the main topics. Articles accepted in this category will be published in the proceedings of the event. Long papers must not exceed 8 pages (including figures and appendices). * Short papers: Intended to allow presentation of ongoing studies with partial (however, significant) results. Submissions must contain an original contribution and may not have already been published in another forum, nor be subject to review for other conferences or publications. Articles accepted in this category will be published in the proceedings of the event. Short papers must not exceed 4 pages (including figures and appendices). All papers should be written in English. Submission Procedure: --------------------- All submissions should be made by EasyChair platform and must follow the LNCS Formatting Guidelines. Details of the paper submission process will be announced soon through the website of the conference: http://serg.ulster.ac.uk/ucamiiwaal2014/ You can submit your paper through the following: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ucamiiwaal2014 General Co-Chairs -------------------- * Jose Bravo, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) * Chris Nugent, University of Ulster (Northern Ireland) |