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MobiSys-W 2015 : The 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services


When May 20, 2015 - May 22, 2015
Where Florence, Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 7, 2014
Notification Due Nov 25, 2014
Categories    mobile computing   mobile systems   wireless networks   mobile applications

Call For Papers

Call for Workshop Proposals

Workshop Co-chairs

Xia Zhou, Dartmouth College, USA
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR, Italy
Rajesh Balan, SMU, Singapore

MobiSys is a premier venue for researchers working in the area of mobile
and wireless systems, middleware, services, and applications. The
previous twelve MobiSys conferences were very successful, with strong
refereed paper presentations, demonstrations, poster sessions, and
workshops. Workshop papers will be included with the MobiSys proceedings
and posted in the ACM Digital Library.

We solicit workshop proposals on new and emerging topics in the general
area of mobile and wireless systems, services, and applications.

Workshops are scheduled for May 18th, 2015. The ideal workshop proposal
will focus on a timely and emerging topic, and be able to attract a
number of interesting and high-quality contributions that spark
discussions in an informal setting. The goal is to stimulate interactive
conversations and inspire new research ideas.

The proposal should be no longer than three pages and should clearly
1. The name of the workshop.
2. The names, addresses, and a short bio (up to 200 words) of the
organizers (up to three).
3. A brief description of the technical issues that the workshop will
address, and the reasons why the workshop is of interest at this time.
4. The names of potential program committee members.
5. The planned format of the workshop, including a strategy to
facilitate lively discussions and attendees involvement.
6. The expected number of submissions and participants.
7. If previous editions have been held, a description of past versions
of the workshop, including: number of submitted and accepted papers, and
number of attendees.
8. A description of the publicity plan.
9. A call for papers with workshop deadlines (aligned with the relevant
Important Dates below).


Please send your proposal via e-mail to the workshop co-chairs at, including "MobiSys 2015
Workshops" in the subject line.

Submissions must be received by the deadline below.

Important Dates

- Proposal submission deadline: November 7th, 2014 (11pm EST)
- Notification of acceptance: November 25th, 2014
- Camera-ready workshop papers due: April 2nd, 2015
- Workshops at MobiSys 2015: May 18th, 2015

Related Resources

DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
MobiCASE 2025   16th EAI International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services
CSEIT 2025   12th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
SCALABILITY 2025   The Second International Conference on Systems Scalability and Expandability
ICMU 2025   The 15th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking
UBICOMM 2025   The Nineteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
IPDCA 2025   14th International conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing and Applications
AFIN 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
AMBIENT 2025   The Fifteenth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies