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FP-UML 2010 : The Sixth International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML


Conference Series : Foundations and Practices of UML
When Nov 1, 2010 - Nov 4, 2010
Where Vancouver, BC, Canada
Abstract Registration Due Apr 9, 2010
Submission Deadline Apr 16, 2010

Call For Papers

The scope of the workshop includes but is not limited to:

* Sub/system design and modeling techniques
* Unified Modeling Language: What are the next steps?
* UML semantics
* Requirement modeling
* Process modeling
* Interface design
* Application design
* Database and data warehouse design & applications
* Web applications
* Model evaluation, formal or heuristics
* Metamodeling
* UML model quality
* UML model testing
* Applications to new domains and technologies
* Experience reports of UML modeling
* Agile modeling
* Adopting UML
* Teaching UML
* UML 2.0 diagrams
* Applying, teaching or modeling the UML 2.0
* Model-driven development methodologies and approaches.
* Model transformations
* Metamodel transformations
* Risks and applications of best practices

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