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SCA 2010 : The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2010


Conference Series : Symposium on Computer Animation
When Jul 2, 2010 - Jul 4, 2010
Where Madrid, Spain
Submission Deadline Apr 11, 2010
Notification Due May 9, 2010
Final Version Due May 23, 2010
Categories    computer graphics   computer animation

Call For Papers

The Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. The ninth annual event unites researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of time-based phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations. Don't miss out!

We invite submission of original, high-quality papers on computer animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying phenomena. Each submission will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity.

We invite work on a broad range of topics, such as

* 2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
* animation systems
* autonomous characters
* clothing animation and simulation
* expressive motion / communication
* facial animation
* group and crowd behavior
* intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
* mathematical foundations of animation
* methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
* nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, ...)
* new time-based art forms on the computer
* novel time-varying phenomena
* perceptual metrics for animation
* perceptual foundations of animation
* physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
* physical simulation
* planning / learning / optimization for animation
* real-time and interactive methods
* sound and speech for animation
... as well as on related problems in robotics, game development, human-computer interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and others.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59pm Central European Time (GMT+2).

* 11th of Apr 2010: Deadline for papers submissions
* 9th of May 2010: Notification of papers acceptance
* 23rd of May 2010: Camera-ready papers due
* 2nd-4th of Jul 2010: Symposium

Submission Details

Paper submissions must be anonymous and should not exceed 10 pages formatted according to the EG Workshop A4 publication style. Papers should be written and presented in English. Authors must include a declaration stating that the main contribution claimed in their paper has not previously appeared in, and is not currently submitted to, any other conference or journal. To be considered for review, all papers must be submitted electronically, full submission instructions and templates will soon be available here. Supplementary material such as videos may also be submitted electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Please format supplementary material according to the SIGGRAPH 2010 guidelines at

All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee members. Given the limited time between submission and final version, papers will be evaluated as submitted.

Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for preparing a final camera-ready electronic version of their paper. In addition to the archival digital library proceedings, a proceedings preprint DVD will be disseminated at the event. If an author submits supplemental materials for review with their paper, that material (or a revised version) must also be provided by the authors for inclusion in the electronic proceedings (DVD and digital archive).

Extraordinarily good submissions will be invited to submit expanded papers to ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG). Our agreement with TOG features continuity-of-reviewing, fast-tracking the identification of reviewers for TOG submissions and ensuring consistency of reviewing feedback.

Authors of some rejected papers with high potential will be invited to submit their work to the combined posters and demos sessions.

The SCA'10 electronic proceedings will be archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries.

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