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AFRIGRAPH 2010 : 7th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa


Conference Series : Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa
When Jun 21, 2010 - Jun 23, 2010
Where Franschhoek, South Africa
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    computer graphics

Call For Papers

The 7th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa will coincide with the FIFA 2010 World Cup and will be held on a wine estate, outside the town of Franschoek in the Cape Winelands region. More information will be forthcoming soon.

The purpose of Afrigraph is to help consolidate and promote the practice of relevant computer graphics in Africa in academia, the arts and industry. In 2003 Afrigraph was constituted as a professional body. The mandate of the organisation includes local issues, such as curriculum design and intellectual property, affecting the growth and development of computer graphics in Africa. During Afrigraph 2003 a formal constitution for Afrigraph.

The current committee is:

* President - James Gain (University of Cape Town)
* Vice-President - Shaun Bangay (Rhodes University)
* Treasurer - Alexandre Hardy (University of Johannesburg)

In recognition of his role in creating the organization, and his continued support, Alan Chalmers holds the position of Honorary President of Afrigraph.

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